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Did the driver shoot JFK?


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I would guess that I've seen that video (not in this light...) but sure don't remember it. All of you ballistic/ gun folks: if shot from the front, would the spray from JFK's head have gone toward the front of the vehicle? And I don't see the noted muzzle flash. Seems too simple to have been covered up for so long. Too bad they didn't have HD video...

And where in the world was Jackie O trying to go?

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I would guess that I've seen that video (not in this light...) but sure don't remember it. All of you ballistic/ gun folks: if shot from the front, would the spray from JFK's head have gone toward the front of the vehicle? And I don't see the noted muzzle flash. Seems too simple to have been covered up for so long. Too bad they didn't have HD video...

And where in the world was Jackie O trying to go?

She was crawling onto the trunk the get the piece of Jack's skull.

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She was crawling onto the trunk the get the piece of Jack's skull.

Actually it was to help the secret service guy get into the car. She cleaned up his skull and brain matter after they got to the hospital.

Edited by chevysoldier
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I have seen this video many times before but never with this theory behind it. This was before my time but this has always interested me. I can see why someone might think this, but I cannot see the muzzle flash or the recoil.

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"The Driver Shot Kennedy" theory is false. This theory is the brainchild of William Cooper.

William Cooper postulated this theory based upon his faulty examination of the Zapruder film.

Link to Zapruder film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozx4_4DZp38.

The driver of the limousine during the assassination of JFK was William Greer. The man sitting in the front seat beside William Greer was Roy Kellerman.

As the 'fatal head shot' occurs, Greer slows the limo and turns around to look at JFK. At this time, there is a glare on Roy Kellerman's head that looks surprisingly like a pistol and it lines up very well with Greer's left arm. Cooper interpreted this to be Greer turning around and firing a pistol at the President. This may be seen by looking closely at the Zapruder film.

Other evidence that disproves Cooper's assertion consists of other photographs and videos taken during the assassination that show that Greer's hands never left the steering wheel. The angle of the shot is also inconsistent with the movement of Kennedy's head in response to the shot's impact as well as Bobby Hargis' testimony that blood and bone fragments landed in his face. Hargis was the motorcycle policeman farthest to the left of Kennedy when the 'fatal head shot' impacted.

Also, Jackie Kennedy NEVER said, "I think the driver turned around and shot my husband."

EDIT: Casper beat me to the debunking.

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Actually it was to help the secret service guy get into the car. She cleaned up his skull and brain matter after they got to the hospital.

Actually, it was exactly like I said and not to help the secret service guy. This is from the actual account from the secret service agent. Do some more research. Thanks for playin'!

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Actually, it was exactly like I said and not to help the secret service guy. This is from the actual account from the secret service agent. Do some more research. Thanks for playin'!

I know she cleaned it up afterwards but I thought she was helping him get in. Oh well.

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JFK was shot by Lee Oswald...conclusively.. Just like with 9/11, a bunch of people have twisted the facts so incredibly, that they have taken on a life of their own..

Well........ I don't know if I'd go that far........

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."





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So I was wondering about this video...maybe it's enhanced. Here's a look at the digital repro. and you can see the same thing. It looks exactly like the driver skillfully leveled a gun at Jack. Weird.

I don't know anything about some kid at long range from a window in a building behind the limo - but the Zapruder tape clearly shows Kennedy getting hit from the front/right.


Edited by hue jass
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So I was wondering about this video...maybe it's enhanced. Here's a look at the digital repro. and you can see the same thing. It looks exactly like the driver skillfully leveled a gun at Jack. Weird.

I don't know anything about some kid at long range from a window in a building behind the limo - but the Zapruder tape clearly shows Kennedy getting hit from the front/right.

This is exactly what what I am talking about...

You do know the "long range" shot was not "long range" Right? I have stood in the exact window of the book depository and can tell you the shot was EASY.

But don't listen to me, how about respected authors like Tom Clancy and other historians...as well as the FBI...the shot has been recreated hundreds of times..successfully...and yet we constantly hear what an impossible shot it was.

And before it comes up, the movie JFK, while entertaining, is COMPLETE CRAP, also debunked by true historians for having incredible inacuracies.

Also, if the final "fatal" shot had come from the front (grassy knoll), like all the forensic "experts" who watch the Zapruder film in their moms basement attest, the bullet would have gone through JFK and killed Jackie.

What these "experts" fail to realize is, the car was in motion and the point at which the final shot hit, THE CAR WAS PERPENDICULAR to the grassy knoll. It would have been a shot through his temple. There was and still exists an overpass at the end of dealy plaza where a shot could have been fired directly at JFK, unfortunately for the idiot conspiracy people, the overpass had several people on it, none of which have EVER claimed to see anything.

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Except for that pesky film that shows parts of his brain/skull being blown through the back of his head and onto the back of the car.

I'm not big on conspiracies, but something's not right.

Forensic experts have testified numerous times that the motion of a body after being struck by a bullet has nothing to do with the direction in which the bullet came.


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Does not matter. He was shot and killed. Catching the actual culprit or pinning it on someone. It is over. Although all the conspiracy ends were tied up, so it was easy to get twisted and off the path of the actual truth.

Makes you wonder what the world would have been like if he had survived/never shot?

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He would have probably been a Reagan Republican..

And before you laugh, know that the view of Kennedy now is almost as distorted as his assasination.

Kennedy was a violent anti communist, people talk about McCarthyism but always forget to mention that both Kennedy brothers were friends of Mccarthy and RFK even served on Mccarthy's famous council. Mccarthy was also the Godfather of one of RFK's chidren. Never protrayed because it goes against the image that JFK was some kind of great progressive President....not true...

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