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Riding has no rational explanation


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Exactly you only live life once... So why not have fun in the mean time. I'm glad I started riding motorcycles my buddy got me interested in them and I've never had second thoughts about the decision. How many accidents are there each year not related to motorcycles? They every think of that or just why ride on two wheels. Some people will never understand how it feels to be free from the confines of a car and actually feel the road instead of just driving over it.

Just sayin.

i would rather not "feel" the road, as opposed to the feeling of "free as a bird".

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Who said people are rational?

We do like to have fun though and we know what we like.

No time to watch 52 min if vid right now but I'll come back to it later.

i would rather not "feel" the road, as opposed to the feeling of "free as a bird".

To each his own I was just trying to make a statement.

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I just watched it and they mean no rational as in, it's not safe so why would people do it? It was a pretty good video.
true, but most car accidents people walk away from
Yes that's true but its a risk we all take when we ride. Its unfortunate that it happens even to the best riders but they did what they loved to do which is the point I'm trying to get at.

I am paralyzed from the upper chest down from riding. I deal with more bullshit in a day than most people do in a month...and on top of all that I still want to ride. Try to make sense of that!! Even I think it is stupid but I still love to do it. Sometimes I wish I never got on a bike because I wouldn't know how great it was. But once you do it a few times, your addicted...just like crack!

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