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So I am half way through the last 2 days as the e-mail administrator at the Statehouse. I have spent most of the last 2 weeks doing the knowledge transfers to the best of mine, and my students ability, so now I sit in my office so that I can answer any additional question they may come up with.

So my question to you all. How have you spent your last 2 weeks at a job?

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let me add to this as well. What are some of the most creative ways you have resigned

by breaking 6 safety rules

I worked on a loading dock as a supervisor and the boss's office windows were about 10ft high and overlooked the dock. I had one of the guys lift me up with the forklift to window level, opened his window and leaned in saying "oh yea this is my last day unless you really want me to put in my 2 weeks". He closed the window on me and was none to pleased

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I have 2 good ones.

Way back in the day I called in sick. It kind of went like this.

Megan: Hey Boss, I will not be in today, I am sick

Boss: Sick? Do you have a letter from a Dr?

Megan: No, not yet, I am not sure a doctor could help

Boss: What do you mean?

Megan: Well, I am Sick of {Company Name}, and I don't think a Dr can help with that.

Dead Silence

Megan: Ya know, I don't think I will be in tomorrow either, or the rest of the week for that matter. Now that I think about it, I will not be in ever again.

<click> I hung up


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I guess it all depends on if you care about burning bridges?

A buddy of mine lives by the motto (I'm paraphrasing) "Let the bridges I torch light the way to future prosperity"

I chose which bridges to burn with much consideration.

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I guess it all depends on if you care about burning bridges?

A buddy of mine lives by the motto (I'm paraphrasing) "Let the bridges I torch light the way to future prosperity"

Agreed. I would never have done what I did if I didn't have express consent from the CEO of the company :D

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I am careful about when to creatively quit. The one job I just decided to let my bosses boss know exactly what I thought of the idiots he had running the place. He just looked like a deer in the headlights. I was calm... but I didn't pull any verbal punches about why I was leaving with absolutely no notice.

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If you are in the state house... Go in and take a crap on the governors desk and stick a little flag in it that states "Ohio's senate bill 5"

Eats lots of corn and peanuts the night before. :D

No, I will not do that. Part of my job here demanded that I am not allowed to publicly speak on any issue. I will continue to not speak on any issue that has been worked on in my time with The House.

Also, this is a bridge I really really don't want to burn. I gave them notice, I am leaving on good terms.

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Does a job where you sign away your free speech pay well? I'll gladly keep my opinions to myself for the right price. :D

Should I forward you my resume?

It is not quite like that. We are encouraged to not publicly voice our opinions because that may lead one side or the other to feel like we my play favorites. As a NON POLITICAL employee, it is important that I appear to be non bias.

Since this is a PUBLIC website, I try my best to not express any views that may lead anyone to think I favor one political party over another.

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I usually just masturbate is the boss' coffee mug and wait until after he writes a reference to send him the pictures...

I usually send a toothbrush with the pics, so he knows there's no hard feelings.

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I stand by my post -- everyone has a price. :D

I want to make enough money to have an opinion on the capital gains tax, I just won't be able to communicate it.

I liked having a job, and getting a pay check. No it was not a lot of money, but it was not bad either. For that I will bite my tongue to some degree.

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I'm boring. Always give at least 2 weeks. And let my boss know I'm looking.

Just started a new job. Last 2 weeks at the old place were trying to cross-train my replacement. 3 years of work boiled down into 10 1-hour phone calls to my replacement in another country.

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i usually dismember the first born son (they don't care about daughters) of the offending boss, and arrange the meat chunks into a resignation letter. I usually get too lazy by the time I finish writing the T in "I Fucking Quit you twa-" but sometimes... I can write a whole paragraph.

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one job i just stopped going...kinda like in office space...i asked for full time hours, they said they would look into it and let me know...the next day they cut my hours from 20 to 6, working only on saturdays....went one saturday and got busy work so i just stopped going...they never officially "fired" me, and i was still in their system like 6 months later and they asked me to work an event since i was still in the system lol

and another i got mad at my boss and i told him i was going to lunch and i just went home and never looked back

keep in mind - both of these jobs were pretty much minimum wage

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Pretty dangerous burning bridges in IT. Everyone seems to know someone. Every company I've worked for has had people I already knew from previous jobs working there.

You get enough years in IT and you're into 6-figure salaries. And you may just wind up interviewing for a company who now employs a former team-mate from a company you burned 5-10 years ago who will let the new company know.

I've never had a boss I hated so much I'd risk a $100k job just for the satisfaction of pissing him off.

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