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Cincinnati folks take cover - tornados


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If you're in or around Cincy, check your weather reports. You should probably be taking cover. Tornado or something just took a wall out at a mall where one of my dad's stores is. He's actually on his way to Cincy from Indy right now following the storm. It sounds pretty bad.

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This storm appeared out of nowhere over Missouri this morning. And now it's here. It's not the storm that caused the damage in Joplin Missouri, that one passed this morning with little effect here.

Expect hail and moderate winds. Storms are topping at 40,000 feet at max, so hail, updrafts, and down drafts should be expected.

edit: as of 8:00pm, the worst parts of the storm line are headed toward the North part of Columbus, between Columbus and Marion.

The areas with the most hail are in the South part of the storm, now approaching Lexington, KY.

Edited by ReconRat
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One storm center topping at 28,000 ft is centered on Columbus. Crossing from SW to NE. 90% chance hail, 20% chance severe hail. Max hail .50 inch. Speed 66 knots. Generally the hail will be in very few places. If at all.

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We got hammered in berea pretty bad. Threw my 200 pound grill and tossed it across my yard. Threw my neighbors trampoline from his back yard over his house and into the street. Heard great northern mall got damaged also.

yea my roommates office is in berea, he was working in Richfield today and got home and was showing me all the pics and videos the guys there were taking. This was right before it was supposed to nail us

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Crazy strong wind and sideways rain. No damage at our house, just lots of standing water. The in-laws lost power when the transformer at the end of their street exploded.

Now it is raining and lightening again at 9:40PM

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Crazy strong wind and sideways rain. No damage at our house, just lots of standing water. The in-laws lost power when the transformer at the end of their street exploded.

Now it is raining and lightening again at 9:40PM

Those always make for a pretty light show. Saw one blow up a few year ago thanks to a wayward squirrel.

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This storm appeared out of nowhere over Missouri this morning. And now it's here. It's not the storm that caused the damage in Joplin Missouri, that one passed this morning with little effect here.

Expect hail and moderate winds. Storms are topping at 40,000 feet at max, so hail, updrafts, and down drafts should be expected.

edit: as of 8:00pm, the worst parts of the storm line are headed toward the North part of Columbus, between Columbus and Marion.

The areas with the most hail are in the South part of the storm, now approaching Lexington, KY.

Carrie's mom and step dad live in Missouri and they spent most the night in their storm shelter.

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Got a tornado break at work tonight. Didn't look like anything actually happened though. Was worried about the 3.3lb box with $200 worth of Honda parts sitting on my porch at home, but it didn't even seem to get wet.

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We got hammered in berea pretty bad. Threw my 200 pound grill and tossed it across my yard. Threw my neighbors trampoline from his back yard over his house and into the street. Heard great northern mall got damaged also.

yeah, part of the great northern mall food court collapsed which is funny cuz i just left work like 30 minutes prior to the storm hitting and it looked perfect out, i was wishing i rode my bike to work it was so nice lol

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