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anyone here got a plasma cutter? (preferrably NEO)


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I have a plate that needs cut, it's 3/16 thick, and a somewhat odd geometry, I'm certain i could do it with the circular saw and a cut off wheel, but it would take me ages...

If anyone up here has a plasma cutter and would be willing to do me a solid, lemme know. Thanks

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I have one but if you can't make a clean cut with a regular torch you're sure as fuck should not be touching a plasma.

Google, youtube, read a damn book and practice. Learn to adjust a torch properly and you will have no reason to ever want to use a circular saw (intended for the woodz) to cut metal.

PS. What size tip is in your torch and what are you setting your regulators at? Depending on torch make and model you should be using a tip comparable to a Victor "00". Clean your tip, light the torch and take a pic of the flame then post it here.

Edited by ross
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I have one but if you can't make a clean cut with a regular torch you're sure as fuck should not be touching a plasma.

Google, youtube, read a damn book and practice. Learn to adjust a torch properly and you will have no reason to ever want to use a circular saw (intended for the woodz) to cut metal.

PS. What size tip is in your torch and what are you setting your regulators at? Depending on torch make and model you should be using a tip comparable to a Victor "00". Clean your tip, light the torch and take a pic of the flame then post it here.

here are the tanks on my custom dolley, made with old GM wheel bearings and spare tires.


uhh tip size... yeah, does S 16K11 mean anything?

edit: nvm, found one.. http://www.mathesondirect.com/product/8388/Esab_Purox_16K11_Style_4202_4_Acetylene_Cutting_Tip

it's a purox cw-250 cutting handle


the camera has no effing clue how to deal with that bright blue triangle flame in the center of the tip...


the flame looks nothing like the picture in person...

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Judging from the pics I would say that the tip is clogged on one of the preheat holes due to the uneven flame shape. When was the last time that tip was cleaned?

What is the exact tip you have? The link you posted is for a tip that cuts 2-4" thick.

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