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Today I saw a cager distracted by...


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... pages of paper attached to her steering wheel that looked like they were reproduced from a textbook that she was studying intently and writing stuff in, while listening to earbuds while doing 50mph southbound on riverside.

I'm not talking about printed google instructions or somethign you just need to glace at for a second, I'm talking a page full of charts, tables and paragraphs of text. She crossed the fogline for a few seconds several times and sudden;ly corrected back - just like a drunk. The cars around her were keeping well clear of her. As I pulled up alongside her at a red light I gave her a nasty stare and she was clueless. "What??"

I need a little handheld sign; "I don't care what it is, put it down and JUST DRIVE."

Edited by Scruit
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I would like to see a law where you can submit video of people doing stupid crap like that and have them get ticketed for it. The police can't be everywhere - and it's US that wind up with an ass-full of BMW when some yuppie drops his smartphone into his triple-shot venti non-fat soy mocha-choca-poke-a-latte.

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triple-shot venti non-fat soy mocha-choca-poke-a-latte.

Mmmmm, I love those.

Seriously though, this morning was particularly bad. I usually make it to work incident free, but today I had 3 different people that were unaware that I was right next to them.

Maybe it was the time of day. I usually ride in at 7am, but today it was 9am.

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today me and my dad went for a ride and my dad almost hit a dog

there is a dog on my street that always comes running from its house when you ride by but the house is over 100 yards off the street and it never goes out in the street but stops around 3 ft from it but it has this look of "Play with me!!!!" lol also had a pug run out at me and chase me down the road once it was fun to make it play catch up :p lost interest and went back home eventually

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As I pulled up alongside her at a red light I gave her a nasty stare and she was clueless. "What??"

two fingers point to your eyes (like im watching you, or ive got my eyes on you) then point straight ahead.

or open up your visor and talk to her.

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I would like to see a law where you can submit video of people doing stupid crap like that and have them get ticketed for it.

yeah, but taking a video while you're driving is just as bad... so how do we get around that?

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Passed a guy on 161 last night. Seat all the way forward, seat tilted way back...

it looked like he was sleeping...

Dogs... knowing dogs scientifically can't run faster than 35mph,

I let a St Bernard charge out of a back yard and chase me on Summit.

I'm doing 35mph in 3rd gear, and the dog overtakes me, opens it's mouth,

and goes for my leg. Lift leg, hit gas... What do scientists know anyway...

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My all time "favorite" - Just before Christmas last year, I came up from behind on a lady who was all over her lane and the shoulder. Trying to figure out if she was drunk (so I could call the cops on her), I followed her for awhile and noticed she was messing with something in the passenger seat. I finally decided she probably wasn't drunk, just stoopid and preoccupied, so I passed her.

Had no idea what to do when I saw she was changing a kid's diaper. :wtf:

Probably should have called the cops after all, but I was too dumfounded to do anything but shake my head and flip her off.

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My all time "favorite" - Just before Christmas last year, I came up from behind on a lady who was all over her lane and the shoulder. Trying to figure out if she was drunk (so I could call the cops on her), I followed her for awhile and noticed she was messing with something in the passenger seat. I finally decided she probably wasn't drunk, just stoopid and preoccupied, so I passed her.

Had no idea what to do when I saw she was changing a kid's diaper. :wtf:

Probably should have called the cops after all, but I was too dumfounded to do anything but shake my head and flip her off.

Odds are that she chucked the dirty out the window. And probably thinks that her rolled-down window is an ashtray, too.

Notice how Walmart parking lots seem to have an inordinate amount of folded up dirty diapers on them??

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Azzhole in a black Honda Accord tried to run me and the kid off 541 outside Coshocton yesterday. Only took him a couple of months to learn why I preach to him to watch the other guy because they won't watch for you.

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This distracted driving reminds me of one way around the texting while driving ban.



There's not a specific law for reading a novel while driving. :dunno:

Driving whie distracted by anything is illegal under the "Full Time and Attention" statute. That covers people who wreck while changing the radio station or picking up a dropped phone etc. The officer would have to convince the judge that what you were doing was distracting you enough to be a hazard, but that's not a very high bar, especially if you cause an accident doing it.

The thing with specifically banning texting etc is that the officer doesn't have to prove that your texting was creating a hazard - it's assumed.

It's like the OVI. If you blow under 0.08 then the officer has to prove you were impaired (accident / poor performance on sobriety tests etc). If you blow 0.08 or above then the courts will assume you were imparied without the need for the officer to prove it.

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It's amazing what I see driving the big truck from DWI, texting, playing on laptop, smoking a water bong (both passenger and driver), dvd players, beating children, beating spouse, solo sexual acts, girl giving a lewinsky, wife saw a dude in the backseat giving a lewinsky to the front passenger dude, no clothes, reading books and papers, and more. The last thing on most peoples minds while driving is the actual driving.

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I believe new law is needed to allow ccw riders the right to pop warning shots at illegal and neglectful behavior on the public roadways - the percentage of water-headed drivers vs. us out there is way out of balance!! Even a complete shitbrain will pay attention when there's hot lead flyin' overhead ;)

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