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Bike Won't Idle


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I got up this morning and got ready for work, put my leathers on and went and fired the bike up. I was letting the bike warm up while getting my stuff together and the bike was idling like normal. I reved it up to about 4k a couple times and it was fine. I put the kickstand up and reved it one more time to about the same as before and as the rpms dropped, it stalled out. I tried refiring it and it just kept turning over. I gave it some gas while trying to start it and it fired up but then stalled again. It only stays running as long as you are giving it gas. It won't idle at all an I'm not sure what the issue is, I just had the thing running Monday. My battery is now dead from trying to turn it over but the battery is on it's last leg anyways and needs replaced but I doubt that is the issue since it does fire as long as you are supplying it gas with the throttle. Do you guys think it could just be a throttle adjustment issue? This is the first issue that I have really had with the bike. I was able to push start it after that battery went dead but I had the same situation where it still would not idle. Any help would be appreciated. 2004 CBR600RR

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it is FI.

nothing new or different since you had it running well last time?

I had it running all weekend of course at the gap and then came home rode it for a few minutes on Sunday, cleaned out the garage and put it away.

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Are you trying to start it with the kick stand down? I know many bikes sensor on the stand fail. Could also be a fuel pump dying. Last guess might be a TBS or TPS sensor.

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Are you trying to start it with the kick stand down? I know many bikes sensor on the stand fail. Could also be a fuel pump dying. Last guess might be a TBS or TPS sensor.

I tried with the kickstand up and down but that should be irrelevant when the bike is in neutral. I am not familiar but where is the throttle adjustment on these FI bikes? The TBS or TPS could be possible, just weird how it would fail out of no where. It was running and idling just fine and would rev up fine and then boom that's it.

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I got it fixed. I was turning the idle adjustment thumb screw this morning and even when I got home with no results. I pulled off the tank cover and the tank and traced the idle adjustment cable back to the motor and noticed that for whatever reason the cable would spin but the adjuster screw wasn't. I pulled back on the cable/spring and got it to catch. The adjuster actually had some resistance now and was able to turn it back up to where I wanted it and it is running perfect.

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I got it fixed. The adjuster actually had some resistance now and was able to turn it back up to where I wanted it and it is running perfect.

Awww, I was going to guess user error. :p

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your troubles are probably not over!!

the R6 was notorious for the TPS doing the exact same thing.

it would randomly act up. it would stall out on a ride but fire back up like nothing ever happened.

random stalling, having to hold the throttle open sometimes were the 2 biggest tell tale signs of the tps malfuntion on the R6

I would find a factory service manual and read it.

the yamaha manual shows us how to set it at the proper angle etc. you'll need to do that more than likely if you replace the tps.

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your troubles are probably not over!!

the R6 was notorious for the TPS doing the exact same thing.

it would randomly act up. it would stall out on a ride but fire back up like nothing ever happened.

random stalling, having to hold the throttle open sometimes were the 2 biggest tell tale signs of the tps malfuntion on the R6

I would find a factory service manual and read it.

the yamaha manual shows us how to set it at the proper angle etc. you'll need to do that more than likely if you replace the tps.

I have a service manual for my bike but hopefully it was just the throttle adjustment. It looked as if it was backed off all of the way which wouldn't be holding the throttle open at all. I will def make sure to watch out for any other signs though.

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TPS can fail or fall out of adjustment pretty easily, usually the check involves a jumper pin on a DIN connector...and the dash will display whether it's in proper adjustment. Do you have a factory manual for your bike? Good time to get one.

Dump your gas, put fresh in, add some Seafoam and let that run through too. Could be a bit of water in the gas, that can make a mess of your idle.

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