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Nelson Ledges w/ Moto Series 7/16/11


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I'm just going for Saturday as of now, I need more seat time before I try to keep up with all you speed deamons, plus work screwed me out of some cash that was my racing fund not to happy with them right now, should be heading up to cbus tonight then be at the track bright and early tomorrow

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I am coming down in the morning but it looks like I am going to be on my own this time. It would be nice to pit next to one of you guys that way I could get a hand with unloading and loading or anything else.

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Gonna try and do this last minute. Will be trying to wake up at 4:30 and drive up in the morning. What's the policy on showing up late if I sleep through my alarm like I did every other day this week?

Sissy talk! I was up till just after 1am getting my bike rebuilt....got just over an hour of sleep and are on the road. (Though slightly behind schedule) should be there just before 7:30.

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Good time today to see Chris and Craig again, and meet Tyler, Matt, Steve, Jinu and others.

I still suffer from this sudden onset of suck though and the bike is still for sale...

Good luck to those racing tomorrow and be safe.

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Well I'm not sure if I'm making it, bike won't start just clicks, battery is good now trying to narrow down the effing problem

too late now, but would it bump-start? Sounds like a battery, but if you say that's good, I would guess starter motor.

you sure it's not in gear or something silly like that?

ORDN was quite well represented, and most of us managed to pit near each other.

Matt (Imprez55) and I pulled in behind Brian, so we grabbed a spot and had him park next to us. by pure coincidence, we were right across from Craig, Nick, and Steve's trucks, and Tyler parked right next to us a few minutes later.

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Well I'm not sure if I'm making it, bike won't start just clicks, battery is good now trying to narrow down the effing problem

I'm late as well, but did you check if power is getting to the starter motor?

Welp, I went down 3rd session of my 1st trackday. Not so bad, but I did ruin the right rearset, fairing stay, right clip-on, throttle tube, grip and kill switch assembly. If anyone has these parts let me know, I'd like to get this up and ready so I can find the inevitable other problems haha.

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We took 1st in the middleweight 3 hour endurance race on Sunday. It was a fun and extremely tiring race for sure. Big thanks to Nick, Pat, Craig and John for keeping things going!


As for me on Saturday, I'm ok with how things went. I got tired pretty fast and just wasn't on my game from only 1 hour of sleep. The bike felt alright considering it came back together over night and I had no testing on it before going out for a session. Just have to get the right clip on starter and angle right so it feels better and I'll be happy. Think my fastest was only in the low 17s on saturday and the endurance I was averaging 18-19s most of the time. Considering I've been laid-up healing for the last 1.5 months, I'll take it!

Edited by SJC1000rr
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wow! no offense, but after seeing you guys out on track with that bike, i didn't see that coming.

How many teams entered, and which one of you gets to keep the trophy? Pat should have gotten a trophy for that bike RUNNING for 3 hours :D

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for my part, i was happy with how the day went. I didn't drop as much time as I would have liked, but I think I know where I can shave a few seconds.

I need to grow a pair in turn 3. I started the day braking for 3, then finally got to a point where I could just roll off the throttle, and by day's end, I could go through with neutral throttle. Need to be ON the gas there though.

T4 has more camber than I want to give it credit for. Must go faster. The SV's were eating me alive there.

I brake too early for T12 too. This was somewhat of a bad line choice on my part, but the faster guys will run 12 really deep, and just hug 13 on the inside. Better defensive line, and faster way around the track. Fixing those problems should save me a couple seconds.

I didn't look at the timer every sessions, but 1:19.2x was the fastest lap I saw reported. underwhelming, but any improvement is better than no improvement.

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I had a great time out there and am ready to go back out again. I noticed a big change from my first track day to this one. I've got a feeling I will be doing many more now. I do need to get my ass to the gym or something though because the muscles through my thighs are pretty damn sore still this morning. I have got a lot of work to do yet but I noticed a big improvement (atleast confidence and focus wise) this time around. I did get some target fixation or something on the first session going into turn 12, not sure what happend except that I didn't look into through the turn at all and stood it up and rode through the grass and exited into the end of 13. Besides that hiccup, it seemed like I was progressively getting better. It did suck that we lost about 2 sessions worth of time due to the red flags and ambulance taking off but that part is what it is.

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I was surprised at the number of wrecks on Saturday. Must have been the heat/dehydration or something, even in white leathers I was sweating my ass off. First time on that track for me and yea, its not pretty but still a lot of fun. I'll be going back out there for sure. The practice starts at the end were a riot! :wheeliezx10:

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I was surprised at the number of wrecks on Saturday. Must have been the heat/dehydration or something

yeah, that was unfortunate. I think there were 4 or 5 crashes. Most were in novice. it happens though. Hubris.

I didn't see Imprez55 go down, but after talking about it, it seems like he just made a minor mistake, and didn't quite have the experience to recover. I had watched him riding earlier that session (from the tower), and he was doing really well for someone who had never been on track before.

The two more serious wrecks (ambulances rolled) were ones I didn't hear much about. I did see the first kid sitting in the tech shed with ice on his shoulder, and one of his ankles looking pretty beat up. The second guy who actually went to the hospital crashed right before the kink (so I was told), so even if he was a slower novice, you have to think he was doing 100mph or so... On an RC51, how could you not be? I got conflicting info on him though. Someone said he was knocked out, and someone else said he was rolling around on the ground in pain.

I could be wrong, but i don't think Advanced had any incidents, other than Chad running out of gas, and Craig having the tip-over switch fail on the endurance bike. The only casualty was that possum on the back straight.

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Pat kept the trophy, there was one other team entered which we beat by a lap. The times went down from saturday on the crapwagon. Hell John managed a 115.7 on lap 6 for us.

I managed a 117.6 in the mini on my bike but my dumb ass for got my transponder so instead of 4th I got 8th. Oh well shit happens.

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Someone went down on the back straight before the kink? WTF? and on an RC51, that is a rough day. Been there doen that in the Esses at Mid O and bus stop in Putnum, and fixing those bikes is $$$$.

Congrats on winning, did you say there were 2 teams total entered? or only 1 other team that completed it, and was a lap down?

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