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7/16/11 or 7/17/11 Ride


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That sounds good! Can you post it or give the route?

Here's the basic route, beginning in Millersburg (Speedway) and ending in Bolivar (DQ):

Google Maps Link

Nothing super technical, but some really good twisties, and I know the roads pretty well. ~250 miles for just this route. Tack on whatever mileage needed to get to the start/home from the finish.

Edit: For some reason the Google Maps embedded object isn't cooperating on showing the full route back to Bolivar, but you get the idea.

Edited by Hailwood
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I am getting out this weekend. Sunday would be best for me, I think. If I ride on Saturday, it'll be later in the day.

If I can get the larger tank on the sumo, I'll end up taking that. But that'll be 100 miles and stop for some gas. If I don't have the big tank, it's 60 miles and I'm looking.

Either way, I'll keep an eye on the thread.

For the route, I don't mind making one up and leading, if need be.

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Your bike selection is way to similar, almost scary...:wtf:

800 is being paved (much needed) South of Antioch to Fly, and 255 has a detour.

As far as I can tell, we both have excellent taste... :D

Thanks for the info, I'll try to come up with a slight revision to avoid OH-800 where they are paving.

That route sounds good. What time you want to meet in Millersburg?

I'd want to start as early as feasible. My preference would be to roll out of Millersburg no later than 10:00 AM. 9:00 would be even better, but we can see who's planning on coming and from where.

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78 was boring in more than a few stretches. Any NEO'ers doing this may want to take note of the end of the route and factor that in for your round trip time. If I didn't just do these roads I might jump in...although I wouldn't mind riding 800 all the way up/down.

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Thanks for the input Inya and LINK.

I'll keep thinking about the route and might make some revisions. As long as the forecast still looks good for Sunday, I'll probably post up a separate thread for this ride, either tonight or tomorrow.

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78 was boring in more than a few stretches. Any NEO'ers doing this may want to take note of the end of the route and factor that in for your round trip time. If I didn't just do these roads I might jump in...although I wouldn't mind riding 800 all the way up/down.


That is why I use 565, 145, and 564 on my return to Caldwell/I-77... North of these roads on 260 is really nothing missed in my opinion...A bit longer mileage wise but better riding than that stretch of 78...564 is not great, nor to challenging, but I hear you can really haul ass and make some time on that road, little traffic, and I have never seen a LEO on that road, as compared to 78 which both scenario's does exist quite often.

P.S. Sorry I didn't chime in, because you did ask, about 564 on your last ride and/or route... I don't like to intervene on other peoples routes they choose, unless there is a hazard, detour, or danger I know about in their chosen path.:)

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That is why I use 565, 145, and 564 on my return to Caldwell/I-77... North of these roads on 260 is really nothing missed in my opinion...A bit longer mileage wise but better riding than that stretch of 78...564 is not great, nor to challenging, but I hear you can really haul ass and make some time on that road, little traffic, and I have never seen a LEO on that road, as compared to 78 which both scenario's does exist quite often.

P.S. Sorry I didn't chime in, because you did ask, about 564 on your last ride and/or route... I don't like to intervene on other peoples routes they choose, unless there is a hazard, detour, or danger I know about in their chosen path.:)

Not a problem. We actually skipped 564 and 145 and took 78 the whole way. Man...was that painfully boring.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to ride this weekend yet. I'll keep an eye on the new posts just in case.

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