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Highway vs. "Back-roads"


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Interesting post. This year I have found that most of my motorcycle time is spent commuting to and from work. That wasn't really why I bought the bike, but is a good side effect of having it. I have tried both 2 lane and highway commutes to work. For me:




Road is usually in good shape

Everyone is going the same way and you know where the entrance and exit ramps are


Drivers do not have a clue how to use exit and entrance ramps

Texting and cell phone drivers not paying attention to anything around them

Many drivers seem to be in a race to work in the morning and then to get back home at night. I am Ok with speed, but not with three lane changes and passing in the emergency lane which I see quite often.

For me, my bike gets buffeted by wind which is unnerving on windy days

Back roads


Usually less traffic

You get to know everyone's schedule and start recognizing cars traveling at the same time as you

Curves and scenery give me a smile going into work and let me unwind coming home


Occasional driver pulling in front of you at intersections or out of driveways

Unmarked road construction with pea gravel on blind corners (long story but I found out the hard way last Friday)

Trip takes longer

When something does happen on the 2 lane road you will be in hot stop and go traffic forever!!!!

Overall I still find the backroad route to be my favorite, but use the highway if I'm in a hurry. I bought the motorcycle to enjoy the ride and not the destination, so part of it is having that state of mind.

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I honestly don't have a preferred type of road. People are bad drivers on the highway and on the back roads. I have the same high level of awareness no matter where I am.

That said, to me highways are for getting to a destination quickly and back roads are for cruising about...and then there are the twisties and they are a whole other beast.

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Freeways are way safer with less "oh shit"s. Going down is about the same, doesn't matter much, it's the sudden stop that gets you. Less "objects of a sudden stop" to encounter on a freeway. Biggest worry is someone behind you running you over when you're down.

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The only time i find freeway riding even remotely bearable is when its very late at night. Don't have to haul ass to not get run over/cut off/tailgated etc. Riding at night on back roads with a shitty headlight is too nerve wracking for me.

Best road is the one with the fewest cars. Maybe that's why I like dirt roads so much.

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I was talking to a colleague who lives in Licking County last week. I asked him if he had been riding much. His response was "no, I don't ride the highway and there are too many deer out there right now". Kind of got me thinking about pros and cons

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Deer and other sizeable yet smooshable animals are my absolute biggest fear on a bike...

Hell, I've seen enough videos on Youtube that you can't even guarantee those bastards stay off closed racing circuits, let alone roadways regardless of them being highways or backroads.

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if You are going on the highway you need a street trail or a motocross bike for all the pot holes and speed bumps they do not take care of the roads anymore!

My least favorite part about spring. Central Ohio isn't too bad now.

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I used to have a fear of freeways. I could not tell you what that fear was, my dad thought maybe it was the thought of going down and semi's not seeing you and running you over. I still have a fear of passing semi's. Something about the push pull effect with the flat spots on them traveling at high speeds.

Recently I have forced myself to run the freeways on short jaunts. Pushing myself over the fear factor mark. It's not that bad, just a new experience.

After my little bout with the Ahole running across maple ave I have become even more cautious than what I already was.

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I used to have a fear of freeways. I could not tell you what that fear was, my dad thought maybe it was the thought of going down and semi's not seeing you and running you over. I still have a fear of passing semi's. Something about the push pull effect with the flat spots on them traveling at high speeds.

Recently I have forced myself to run the freeways on short jaunts. Pushing myself over the fear factor mark. It's not that bad, just a new experience.

After my little bout with the Ahole running across maple ave I have become even more cautious than what I already was.

Yep, we on two wheels can never be too careful when riding.

Years back my best friend's dad was killed when he hit a deer (decapitated it) on his Electraglide running down the road at the posted limit of 50 mph down in Ill. He was an ex-LEO with lots of roadtime under his belt. His was a closed casket funeral.

We just can't be too careful.

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Highway is safer to some extent, IMHO. Unless you get the cagers coming across the median at you from the opposite direction.

Couple of years ago I was on I75 NB near Middletown/ Franklin, in my car, early in the afternoon. Far left lane, windows down, summertime. Heard a horrible, familiar sound of a bike sliding on pavement just behind and to the right of me. A rider in the middle lane had been rear-ended by a Civic. Civic driver kept going. He was using the right side break-down lane, etc. I tried to catch him or at least keep him in sight, but wasn't going to risk myself or another driver. Not sure what ever happened to either of them. I can't imagine being that rider. Nobody expects that (or at least I don't...).

Bottom line: theres always a risk, but we all know that. Personally, I only use the highway when necessary. I don't like any straight roads, no matter where they are. Yawn.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Old thread, I know, but new to me!

I know there's not a lot of love for the superslab in the m/c world. I like to use my bike instead of a cage as much as possible, though. From the standpoint of car vs. m/c I much prefer to ride the interstate on my bike as compared to the car. Visibility, freedom, moving away from annoying clumps of cars at will, etc. The usual m/c praise...

I actually like moving by the big rigs. The beemer's strength is stability in wind, buffeting, etc., and I think it's cool to roll by with all that dirty air knocking around. The car carriers make a windstorm behind them, even compared to the usual trailers.

I have always found the freeway calming as compared to the roads. I started riding in SoCal, and the freeway was a necessity from day one. The freeway was the easiest to handle as a new rider, and maybe that's how my inclination formed.

As some of you have said, my biggest fears is animals, or other objects coming up suddenly in the roads, though. Serious pucker. (I guess I don't like much coming suddenly onto a bridge grate on the interstate, but there's none of that in OH that I've come across.)

About a month, ago, actually, I got some unwanted excitement. I was riding at night on 480, and I saw a parked cage on the median. A few hundred yards up there was a dude-- presumably the driver--- looking for a spot to run across the road! That should have been a clue.

Not even a second later I see a muffler on the ground in my lane, but on the other side from where I was riding. Gave me chills.

So, another note to myself. People out of their stopped cars looking to get onto the road: watch out for lost items immediately ahead...

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im not the slightest bit scared of the traffic on the freeway but the cops do scare me a lil bit cuz i have a tendency to go faster on the freeway...its fun splittin cars and making ur own lanes sumtimes if the conditions are good...but on the other side i enjoy riding the back roads for the scenic look and the hills and twisties...just not at night time cuz of all the deer in ashtabula county....but to counter that i installed a 55watt HID kit to light my way down them dark back roads....

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I was talking to a colleague who lives in Licking County last week. I asked him if he had been riding much. His response was "no, I don't ride the highway and there are too many deer out there right now". Kind of got me thinking about pros and cons

There's never a time living in Licking Co. where the deer aren't bad. If they keep you off the bike, better just sell it.

I'm always on the lookout, and don't relish the idea of popping one, but rural Ohio is deer country there's no getting around that. Hell, I just saw someone hit a deer at Leonard and 670 the other day.

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The only thing better about running the super slab is time- you get there quicker. Safer???? Hardly.

And the deer. They will cross an interstate just as quickly as a 2 lane road if the geography surrounding the roadways can hold deer. Take a ride down 71 into Cincinnati. dead carcasses litter the shoulder. And I would rather hit one going 50 mph than hit one running at 70 mph. In addition your reaction time ain't the same. I cut my teeth riding in a state with a far larger deer population than Ohio.

If they keep you off the bike, better just sell it.
is right on. Its an inherent danger unless riding in the inner cities all the time.
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Back roads are for me, the Mountains are my number one preference, hands down.

There ya go. I love backroads, gravel, one lane farm roads...

I find myself riding like a world class asshole when I have to be on the freeway, it makes me insane.

I don't hate city riding, in fact I think it is good to ride with some regularity in heavy stop and go traffic like city traffic, it keeps you on your toes. That said, I prefer not to do it a whole lot.

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