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Moto Series - YOU GOTTA TRY IT!


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Wait, holy crap, this is sweet! This is exactly what I want; a local, low pressure racing organization to have fun in. Because.. let's face it.. I have 3 jobs and need to be at all of them :rolleyes:

Moto Series runs a good show, but I wouldn't describe any of the other racing or trackday organizations as "high pressure."

With very few exceptions, EVERYONE at any club racing event has to go to work the next day. The exception might be at a "national" round with the bigger race orgs, but even then you're only talking about 2 or 3 endurance teams, and maybe 3 kids in the sprint races who have been riding since they were 4 and racing since they were 8.

In their cases, racing IS their day-job, so avoiding crashes at a club event is high on their priority list as well.

There are times when trackdays are safer (people take it easy) and times when racing is safer (because you generally get people with more experience, and fewer newbs who kamikaze into turns with no regard for how they're going to stay on line).

It's more about the PEOPLE on the grid than whether it's a race or a track day. Moto Series generally attracts a good crowd.

I went the route I did because Moto Series will honor a WERA license, but I don't believe WERA will honor a Moto Series license. Thus I am (hopefully) avoiding paying for a second race school. That said, the Moto Series race school gets you a LOT more track time than the WERA school.

And you get multiple mock starts, instead of a single, 4-lap mock race w/ WERA.

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Nice - then take the Moto Series school. Way more track time. WERA gives you 3 practice sessions and a mock race. They also really don't go over any riding skills; just flags and procedures.

Those are important to know, but last I observed the Moto Series race school, they were on track 6 or 7 times, and their classroom stuff covered a lot more actual RIDING stuff, in addition to starting procedures, etc.

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Do you know if the USGPRU DOES?
Nice - then take the Moto Series school. Way more track time. WERA gives you 3 practice sessions and a mock race. They also really don't go over any riding skills; just flags and procedures.

Those are important to know, but last I observed the Moto Series race school, they were on track 6 or 7 times, and their classroom stuff covered a lot more actual RIDING stuff, in addition to starting procedures, etc.

Not sure on USGPRU, I would assume yes but I will double check with them. Moto Series last race school for the year will be at Beaver Run next month.

As far as WERA the will except pretty much any race school

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Yeah the Motoseries race school is legit, I was heistant at first I will admit because I was under the same impression on Wera etc, for the future, but I talked to Apch8r about it and he clarified everything.

Motoseries race school is great, both of the days they held it at Nelson, was 1 on 1 with an instructor for 6 full sessions, and then the 7th is an open session with 3 series of mock starts, then full out open session. Classroom time is VERY informative etc. and you can expect to improve greatly. It also helps there are guys riding everything from Duc's to SV's to 1K Jap bikes, and everyone can pair up with someone.

For instance, the first session I paired with Andrew(instructor) and we ran a pretty quick pace, actually lapped one other student, but through the day, everyone improved and became much faster. By the end of the day, one student who raced Sunday was running something like 6 seconds better than his AM sessions and ran really well Sunday too. Not me unfortunately, but I still learned a ton.

They cover, passing, drafting, flags, general safety, and basically anything you can think of. The way I was told to look at it is that it is a Novice day at a way faster pace with about the same track time, but look to improve on other things than during a novice day.

For the price and the amount of instruction, I would highly recommend it. A++

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^ good post. i would say it's actually better to do the race school sooner than later.

I did mine with a guy who turned a fast lap of 1:41. Two weeks later, at BeaveRun one of the guys in the race school was doing 1:03's at "just don't crash" pace. At Nelson, that puts him in the 1:14's or so.

So that's your range of talent in the WERA race school; 25 seconds A LAP. I suspect Moto Series is substantially similar.

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Absolutely, I know we had 1-2 people turning about low to mid 1.30's all day, I turned a 1.25 Saturday and shaved 1.1 off for Sunday's races after school. As a whole the I/O group was anywhere from 1.40ish to like high teens(including school members), so about 25 seconds.

I agree with taking a Race School earlier than later BUT only if you are really ready, get your N days in, run a few I days, THEN go to race school. People lose focus on what N days are truly about, they are about becoming a better, safer track rider. Not just about going faster, or being bored in it. The braking and gearing sessions are VERY important and help with everything all the way to racing. Our instructors talked about those session every class time.

Unfortunately, it isn't just about thinking you can go fast, it is about what your talent level can truly handle at that time. My instructor actually told me that becuase I was pushing real hard before lunch, too hard. He waived me off the track and said listen, you are right on the limits and you need to take a step back. He said it wasn't a limit of the bike, tires, track, but a limit of MY ability, he made sure to let me know that this wasn't a knock on me, but just a fact and that seat time = high limits.

I respected the heck out of that becuase I could have gone down, hurt myself, someone else, or just ran stupid, but I came in, gathered myself and ran some better times after

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I agree with taking a Race School earlier than later BUT only if you are really ready, get your N days in, run a few I days, THEN go to race school. People lose focus on what N days are truly about, they are about becoming a better, safer track rider. Not just about going faster, or being bored in it. The braking and gearing sessions are VERY important and help with everything all the way to racing. Our instructors talked about those session every class time.


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Do you know if the USGPRU DOES?

Took this from the USGPRU forum

"For those that are new to the RRGC, you do NOT have to buy a USGPRU license for this event. As long as you have a 2011 Roadrace license from any group in N. America, we will honor it for the weekend. The entire intent of this weekend is to get the fastest folks from every club across the country to come out and battle for the title of the AMA Road Race Grand Champion. These bragging rights do come with an AMA #1 plate that looks great on a resume. And in addition to the #1 plate, the AMA will be awarding the coveted "Horizon Award" and "Top Amateur" award. Again, they look great on a race resume as well as above you mantel. "

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Took this from the USGPRU forum

"For those that are new to the RRGC, you do NOT have to buy a USGPRU license for this event. As long as you have a 2011 Roadrace license from any group in N. America, we will honor it for the weekend. The entire intent of this weekend is to get the fastest folks from every club across the country to come out and battle for the title of the AMA Road Race Grand Champion. These bragging rights do come with an AMA #1 plate that looks great on a resume. And in addition to the #1 plate, the AMA will be awarding the coveted "Horizon Award" and "Top Amateur" award. Again, they look great on a race resume as well as above you mantel. "

IN.. Looks like I'll be racing beaver.. is it 1 full weekend to lose provisisional status or 2?

Not sure I can make Nelson.. I will be at putnam with Indy Ducati getting ready for USGPRU :D

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IN.. Looks like I'll be racing beaver.. is it 1 full weekend to lose provisisional status or 2?

Not sure I can make Nelson.. I will be at putnam with Indy Ducati getting ready for USGPRU :D

One successful weekend to get ride of provisional status. Then todd can sign off for you and you can purchase your full license, which would allow you to qualify as a novice racer for other orgs also.

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Unfortunately, it isn't just about thinking you can go fast, it is about what your talent level can truly handle at that time. My instructor actually told me that becuase I was pushing real hard before lunch, too hard. He waived me off the track and said listen, you are right on the limits and you need to take a step back. He said it wasn't a limit of the bike, tires, track, but a limit of MY ability, he made sure to let me know that this wasn't a knock on me, but just a fact and that seat time = high limits.

I respected the heck out of that becuase I could have gone down, hurt myself, someone else, or just ran stupid, but I came in, gathered myself and ran some better times after

This is by far the ABSOLUTE best comment I have ever heard and needs to be in the minds of EVERY track day rider and new racer. I cannot stress enough that it has nothing to do with lap times and more to do with you as a rider. This coming from a student/new racer is awesome to hear. Being humble and realistic will only get you where you want to be quicker and result in a much more effective conclusion.

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IN.. Looks like I'll be racing beaver.. is it 1 full weekend to lose provisisional status or 2?

Not sure I can make Nelson.. I will be at putnam with Indy Ducati getting ready for USGPRU :D

I'd say that you've been to Putnam more than enough times to have the status of being ready for racing there in terms of laps run...;)

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Dub, get me the dates, I might be interested in going over. May have to kick Jen off your umbrella and I will just be your little umbrella b*tch.

But for real, I'd like to make it over there for that race weekend, not to run, just to be there. I think I'll only be racing the last day at Nelson, but I plan on taking a 3.5 day weekend and running every track day that I can that weekend.

See you at lunch tomorrow we can discuss then.

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