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Eastern ohio/Pa rodes


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I live way northeastern ohio just a skip from the PA line and i ride in Pa. alot...i have no complaints about Pa. rodes...almost always clean and free of pot holes and cracks...not to mention if u go about and hour or more east/southeast of youngstown ull find some fun twisties and hilly regions.

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sry guy i dont have any certain routes in piticular, i tend to just ride till i hit a intersection and just go which ever direction i feel like goin.....from the youngstown area, u could head east/southeast towards Zelienople then up towrds Butler up towards moraine State Park or McConnell Mills area and up to Mercer and Newcastle. then if u want keep goin east or start to circle back north and eventually back in the NIles warren area....

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yes please post some of the good roads. I'm always interested in heading East from here but don't know anything about the area

Just do it! Make an 8 hour day out of it. Leave home ride 4 hours turn around and come home 4 hrs.

I really miss having the time to do these kind of things. Double the time though.

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Just do it! Make an 8 hour day out of it. Leave home ride 4 hours turn around and come home 4 hrs.

I really miss having the time to do these kind of things. Double the time though.

my problem is I'm too much of a control freak to just go get lost that far from home. If I have a pre planned good route I can plug into the GPS I'm ok with that but I dunno, something in my head wont compute the just go explore and see what you can find

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I rode 666 at the end of last season, nice twisty road to bad half of it had just been tar and chipped it was hell. But what was I to expect. But I did get a 666 tee shirt and there are tons of other good roads in that area

That sucks when I was on it last season they were paving parts and others were still untouched and kind of rough but we were in that area when the hippy fest was going I think they call it "the rainbow fest" or some shit lots of people camping every where had to slow way down good time to avoid that area.

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Lets see what kind of maps I have on here.

I'm most likely out for any riding. Just found out Thursday I have a hernia. So surgery is in store.



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I showed you my roads......

Now you show me yours......

Oh and I'll be in the county of Bula possibly by the end of this year, maybe next summer at the latest.

Just get me the hell out of Mentor! Although I do drive or ride thru 3 counties to get to work everyday.

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i dont have any certain rodes i ride, they all kinda suck around here so i just ride and turn where ever i feel like doin so lol...i wanna make a day ride out thru the alleghaney forest around tianesta and such...

Ride around Leroy. That's about as good as you're going to get for this area. If you look in some previous threads I made maps of all my local after work rides and whatnot.

word of advice....southwest PA has some decent roads however if you don't want to die from all the construction trucks, I suggest staying away for the next 8-12 years :lol:

I was down between 30 and 40 a month or so ago and everything was pristine. Maybe around Pitt. But who rides there anyways. :rolleyes:

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