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new from chicago


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hello. my name is roger and I'm a sportbike-o-haulic. moved to the Cleveland area from Chicago about a year ago. looking for some new friends and rides to learn these beautiful roads here in Ohio. does anyone know if their is a specific Cleveland riders forum primarily for my sportbike dependency? I was formerly part of chicagoriders.com name Xyphois and now part of chicagoriders.us name Through if their is anyone here from those forums or are planning on moving to Chicago and need a great bunch of people to hang with or just to network. thank you for your support, that is all I have for now


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welcome! I'm unaware of anything specifically Cleveland related which is why I spend all my time here. Plus its awesome and they've learned me tons in the last 2 years

NEO kinda sucks for riding depending on your expectations but there is usually plenty of rides planned to go all kinds of places

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Lots of riders in your AO.

As prolly with your other forums just post up when you plan to ride a route a few days before and invite others.

Welcome to the site and enjoy.

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hello. my name is roger and I'm a sportbike-o-haulic. moved to the Cleveland area from Chicago about a year ago. looking for some new friends and rides to learn these beautiful roads here in Ohio. does anyone know if their is a specific Cleveland riders forum primarily for my sportbike dependency? I was formerly part of chicagoriders.com name Xyphois and now part of chicagoriders.us name Through if their is anyone here from those forums or are planning on moving to Chicago and need a great bunch of people to hang with or just to network. thank you for your support, that is all I have for now


Welcome aboard!

This would be the place to meet riders in the Cleveland area, and anywhere else in Ohio. Lots of Cleveland folks here.

Earache from Chicago Riders is on here also, FYI.

Any chance you were one of the folks that met me for dinner/drinks while I was in Chicago working a few years ago? Earache came and picked me up from my hotel and we went to Cheesecake Factory I think. Somewhere near Schaumburg?

What happened to ChicagoRiders.com?

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thanks everyone. earache I'm sure I have met but I think he has lived in and has a shop in Indianapolis for at least a few years now. maybe I have him mixed up with someone else. wasn't me who met you in Chicago with earache. I'm gonna start going to bike nights in the Cleveland area so I will post up to see who wants to ride there or meet and branch off for a ride

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thanks everyone. earache I'm sure I have met but I think he has lived in and has a shop in Indianapolis for at least a few years now. maybe I have him mixed up with someone else. wasn't me who met you in Chicago with earache. I'm gonna start going to bike nights in the Cleveland area so I will post up to see who wants to ride there or meet and branch off for a ride

Yeah, Earache lives in Indy, but he's in Chicago a lot for work. He owns Earache Motorsports (www.earachemotorsports.com).

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