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Dragon trip video bickering and general douchbaggery


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Its funny you talk about darwin and know nothing about me than you wish bad things upon me. It shows how cool you are. I only wish good things upon you, I wish you were half the person I am, I wish that you were not gay, I wish you had a bike like everyone else on this motorcycle site. See all good things

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Jared: I wouldn't stir shit up with Tyler, he's a bad dude.

I mean look, he clearly has a gun, a knife, and brass knuckles accessible to him... and that's just what is in his avatar. I bet he has a whole world of hurt behind the scenes that he could unleash on you if he felt the need.

Just call and leave a message, since he is between secretaries (which actually sounds like fun), and apologize or he will take a cab over to your house and fuck you all up.

(Edit) Take a cab, hell; he could ride his bike from the 10 thousand block of Lynns Road to your house in Pickerington in just a few minutes. Apologize immediately, lest he ninja assail you from a Huffy in the dead of night...

He might also fuck you up with his eyebrow ring, or use heavier methods on you...


Edited by MeefZah
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I would bet he is between bikes and secretaries because he is a broke bitch. Maybe he is between girlfriends to, what a loser. I would almost guess his dad would not let him take any of that stuff out of the house. With that said he was very out of line to call me a douche for not wanting to cause even more attention to a place that doesn't need anymore. Had he owned a bike and ride his input would be appreciated

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I've been without a bike for less than a year now because I'm paying for college and trying to pay for a wedding. The business is between secretaries because we all actually go out and work and don't sit around to answer the phone, the person who used to handle the phone got a job that doesn't allow her hours anymore.its not my business so it's not my job to replace her. My dad is dead from a heart attack. And I said you were a douche not for your opinion but for how you had to attack people with it instead of just stating it and moving on. I haven't had a piercing for 3 years now.

Edited by Steve Butters
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Jared: I wouldn't stir shit up with Tyler, he's a bad dude.

I mean look, he clearly has a gun, a knife, and brass knuckles accessible to him... and that's just what is in his avatar. I bet he has a whole world of hurt behind the scenes that he could unleash on you if he felt the need.

Just call and leave a message, since he is between secretaries (which actually sounds like fun), and apologize or he will take a cab over to your house and fuck you all up.

(Edit) Take a cab, hell; he could ride his bike from the 10 thousand block of Lynns Road to your house in Pickerington in just a few minutes. Apologize immediately, lest he ninja assail you from a Huffy in the dead of night...

He might also fuck you up with his eyebrow ring, or use heavier methods on you...


I've never met Tyler, but if that's his pic posted with his address and a veiled threat, that's pretty shitty. Lighten up Francis.

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Grow the f up people. Tylers a good dude. Pretty sh**y thing to be dogging on pictures, piercings, or anything else personal. Seriously, all you guys are acting like you're 12 years old

And besides, my d*** bigger than all yall's

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