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555 Ride 8/20


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Ive planned it out for either the 20th or 21st depending on which day we can get more people. I have mapped out the route and we have a very there are minimal turns on the way there so people can go back the same route or we can take a more scenic route on the way back. This is to keep the group numbers large as possible. I have a definate 5 people that are comming so far, all different class riders. We will ride in groups and wait for people at certain points, this is NOT the road to prove yourself or try and one up a friend. Here is the route of the day, let me know who can come in this thread. Itd be great to get a group of 10 people or more.


this is a DAY trip. So be prepared to stop for water very frequently because these are not easy roads. Alot of us have ridden them quite a few times but some are newbies when it comes to this road so there will be a pace for you to fit in to dont worry.

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I ended up losing the keys to my bike and the leader isnt gonna be available this weekend, so now i gotta get new keys lol.. i hotwired the bike but then realized i cant fill the bike up with gas......

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