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Whats up with BUSA riders....


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This thread is so full of complete ignorance. You fucks act like you have never seen a group of douche bags on anything else not wearing gear and/or riding like retards. Stop by any bikenite or stunt show!!!! Hell of a lot more stupid fucks on CBRs, R1s,GSXRs and Kawis not wearing gear an only own a bike cause someone they know has one or they seen some lame ass stunt vid. Google Hayabusa forums an youll find a huge commiunty of responsible an intelligent Busa owners. An who really gives a fuck if BROS own them??? Reallly??? Are you jealous that they can dump a ton of money into something an you cant? Busa owners giving the rest of you a bad name???? WOW thats got to be closest to the dumbest fucking thing Ive ever seen on this site!!!! How many busa's do see on one wheel at 70 mph on public roads? An the fat comment....well thats just as fucking lame as the BROS one. Who cares????? Go ride YOUR bike how YOU want an wear what YOU want to wear! The fucking ignorance on this site is the number one reason I tell people not to sign up. There are some good people hear till one dumb fuck opens his mouth an the rest jump on the band wagon.

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Ok, well it sucks finding gear for women. My jacket is a man's jacket. Something ridiculous like XXXL just so it would fit but the arms are too long. If I try to find pants for my ample hips and butt, forget about it. They will be like 2 feet long on me. My raingear pants are super super long. Hell, maybe I'm just too short. All of the women's gear at the Pony is sized crazy. The girl there told me that it's European sizing. Where normally I could get an XL, I can barely even get my arms in an XL jacket there.

The industry is starting to realize that women like to ride too, although still way behind in having enough gear for the masses. They make most gear for the girls that are seat covers on the back of their boyz bike......sad but true.:rolleyes:

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Wow, this thread is full of racist fucktards. And shadyone, arent you a little hypocritical fuck. I've seen you riding around Minster and New Bremen on your little POS Gaytona WITHOUT any gear at all. So think first before you start running your little cocksucker. Dont be a hater because you're too much of a pussy to handle a big bore bike.

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Uh oh, some busa riders got.their feelings hurt. Back up a bit while you cry, I don't want you blowing snot bubbles on my jacket. Sara, you should check out very interesting leather on south main st in akron, they have a huge selection of women's gear. My ole lady has some nice big boobies and some shapely hips and she found a jacket that fits her fine..and it has a removable liner that's also a hoodie...now as soon as I finish building my power cruiser she will be able to use it, she doesn't like it on the back of the crotch rockets.

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I almost never see busa's being used for what they would seem to be awesome at. Sport touring. I've heard they're comfortable, and since they're geared for 200+ mph it would eat up interstate miles effortlessly. I've seen quite a few of them decked out on ADVrider for that, No stretched swingarms or 330 tires to be found.

I think most busa riders missed the point.

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Uh oh, some busa riders got.their feelings hurt. Back up a bit while you cry, I don't want you blowing snot bubbles on my jacket. Sara, you should check out very interesting leather on south main st in akron, they have a huge selection of women's gear. My ole lady has some nice big boobies and some shapely hips and she found a jacket that fits her fine..and it has a removable liner that's also a hoodie...now as soon as I finish building my power cruiser she will be able to use it, she doesn't like it on the back of the crotch rockets.

My feelings are not hurt. I could give a flying fuck what anyone hear thinks about my bike. I bought it for me NOT for what anyone else thinks about it. I do a ton of riding on it an maybe one or two bikenites a season. That just is not my thing. Is My bike streched out....sure the fuck is! did I also ride the dragon with it like that..........Sure the fuck did! The point is most that sit at home on the PC an bash the busa have never been on one. Sitting on one at the dealership does not count!!

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I'm a big dude at 6 foot and 280 and would definitely ride a Hayabusa...just not one of those stretched, lowered, fat tire sporting, ghettofied ones. They are very comfy for big guys like posted. Given the choice I would probably rather have a ZX14 though just because they look better IMO. Also, I don't have any problem at all finding gear that fits so size is no excuse for those dbags not wearing proper riding gear.

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Uh oh, some busa riders got.their feelings hurt. Back up a bit while you cry, I don't want you blowing snot bubbles on my jacket. Sara, you should check out very interesting leather on south main st in akron, they have a huge selection of women's gear. My ole lady has some nice big boobies and some shapely hips and she found a jacket that fits her fine..and it has a removable liner that's also a hoodie...now as soon as I finish building my power cruiser she will be able to use it, she doesn't like it on the back of the crotch rockets.

Oh look, a newb fucktard trying to talk shit:nono: No hurt feelings, this shit gets old.

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I almost never see busa's being used for what they would seem to be awesome at. Sport touring. I've heard they're comfortable, and since they're geared for 200+ mph it would eat up interstate miles effortlessly. I've seen quite a few of them decked out on ADVrider for that, No stretched swingarms or 330 tires to be found.

I think most busa riders missed the point.

Pretty sure I got the point of the thread, stereotype all Busa riders in the same class as the douchebag squids at bike night. Yep, got the point

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Pretty sure I got the point of the thread, stereotype all Busa riders in the same class as the douchebag squids at bike night. Yep, got the point

That's the basically what I got out of it also.


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Ah profanity, the last refuge of the feeble-minded...and calling me a newb doesn't hurt my feelings any...although I am super proud of you for being a member of this site for longer than me, you can count that with your only other accomplishment, being the fastest sperm in the load. Now make sure you respond with lots of 'fucks' and perhaps question my sexual orientation or whatever other insults you remember from junior high.

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