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Daughter Deployed To Theater Today.


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My buddy just re-deployed back over. Not sure exactly where he was headed (he was suppossed to be transitioning out - things change daily), all I picked up out of him this past weekend at the range was "a target of oppurtunity had been spotted back in trash-can-land" (afganland), "and this is sort of my last hoorah"

I will be talking to him tonight (friday) I will see where he is at, if he is close I will have him look her up and wish her luck. He is a Mst Sgt in SF

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Got to chat a bit tonite with the little hard ass. Al Qaeda teams been hitting the FOB's hourly today-tonite. Little effect aginst the SOCOM teams. But still a pain in the ass. Not much I can do from here. But I sai what I could and came to mind.

"Soldiers do things that other people "CAN'T" and "WON'T"... That's why it's called service. Love you, little one. Do great things, be safe, good hunting. It's patriot's day. Remember why soldiers do what we do. I'm more proud of you than words can say, g'nite love."

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Thank you for your service, thank you for raising such a strong and brave woman. Please thank her for me I love my freedom! My father is a vietnam vet and many of my family has served. It really takes a special person to volunteer to protect all of us. Words can not express my thanks enough! She will be in my prayers.

Today a group from my home town was also deployed there, they are taking a flag from here to place in the ground when they arrive.

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"Soldiers do things that other people "CAN'T" and "WON'T"... That's why it's called service. Love you, little one. Do great things, be safe, good hunting. It's patriot's day. Remember why soldiers do what we do. I'm more proud of you than words can say, g'nite love."

Could not have said it any better.

She and all the others who are serving are in our prayers, and have our thanks. Please pass this on if you get a chance.

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Using Facebook (of all things) the kids in 3rd SF are able to send short messages home. Some brilliant 18E (SF Commo SGT's) were able to use field equipment to post online, on mission. So far it's been pretty cool, wish I had that when I was in.

This message from her was not so great.

3 opperators from 3rd SF Group (Airborne), one who just yesterday slapped an SF Combat Patch on her in the field, were killed in action. She seemed first upset them quickly graduated to pissed off and focused.

"We ain't making no goddamn cornflakes here."

- Col. Charlie Beckwith, founder of Delta Force



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Tell that little firecracker to get her head in the game! Keep sharp and come back safe and soon!

Will do.

She's up, She's good. Chatted with Mom tonite.

.....Damn, I miss her and the job. Shame on a spine injury that lost my jump status.

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She's good. Just pissed.

Sent her a mail, told her to give me and mom info on the operators so we can help out the families if we can. I'm gonna make it my mission to do something for the group too. They took in a little girl and made her a special ops soildier. I owe them big time.

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