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Ohio's Popular Motorcycle Roads and Routes


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I figured I would help compile a database of popular motorcycle roads with maps and what not to make things simple for people. So please feel free to add in your choices and if you would include a map and a description of whether its technical or scenic or basically what you can expect from the road.

1. OH-555


Map: OH-555

2. OH-78


Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Clarington,+OH&daddr=OH-78+W&hl=en&ll=39.718807,-81.219864&spn=0.361789,0.98877&sll=39.690545,-81.603355&sspn=0.179648,0.243073&geocode=FX_GXgId2gAu-yl9h9aOLwY2iDGWflHPijLrVg%3BFThuXQIdXJIh-w&vpsrc=6&mra=me&mrsp=1&sz=12&t=m&z=11

3. OH-9


Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-43+S%2FOH-9+S%2FSteubenville+Rd+SE&daddr=40.3825,-80.97669+to:OH-9+S%2FArmstrong+Centerville+Rd&hl=en&ll=40.516409,-81.01181&spn=0.178785,0.363579&sll=39.940015,-80.962715&sspn=0.178997,0.112267&geocode=FZwUawIdzNsq-w%3BFSQwaAIdzmQs-ymD9hRZk4U2iDGNKKvNOdTcEA%3BFRz-YAIdZPss-w&vpsrc=6&mra=dme&mrsp=2&sz=12&via=1&t=m&z=12

4. OH-800


Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Center+St&daddr=OH-800+S%2FMorrison+Ln&hl=en&ll=40.128491,-81.146393&spn=0.719257,1.977539&sll=39.625259,-81.066742&sspn=0.359636,0.224533&geocode=FcheaAIdrhsn-w%3BFbK9WwIdvOor-w&vpsrc=6&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=11&t=m&z=10

5. OH-536


Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-78+E&daddr=OH-7+S&hl=en&ll=39.713789,-80.912418&spn=0.090454,0.247192&sll=39.672974,-80.875168&sspn=0.089847,0.056133&geocode=FUyAXgIdLE0s-w%3BFaZFXQId3Aku-w&vpsrc=6&mra=pr&t=m&z=13

6. OH-556


Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-556+E&daddr=OH-556+E&hl=en&ll=39.825677,-80.932503&spn=0.180614,0.363579&sll=39.792182,-80.90435&sspn=0.090351,0.181789&geocode=FXAKYAIdyHor-w%3BFRTlXgIdXAwu-w&vpsrc=6&mra=me&mrsp=1,0&sz=13&t=m&z=12

7. OH-26



8. OH-255

Description: Technical. Switchbacks and short sweepers. Not very long but probably my favorite road in Ohio.

Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Ohio+255,+Wayne+National+Forest,+Woodsfield,+OH+43793&hl=en&ll=39.716166,-81.056099&spn=0.098242,0.142822&sll=39.725937,-81.083908&sspn=0.098228,0.142822&geocode=CW5Qr3HDW56iFZwLXgIdaEIr-ylziceSHx02iDFbBFYNrjTWlw&vpsrc=6&mra=prev&z=12

9. OH-550



10. OH-377



11. OH-164



12. OH-646

Description: Not overly technical, mostly sweepers but still good for some fun

Map: OH-646

Edited by Bad324
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  Ricochet said:
And I live in Monroe county and can ride most of those roads anytime I want :D

Woodsfield native here, live in Cambridge now. Those are my standard go to roads! Its nice to see everyone giving props to my home area. So many great roads down there. You can go about 250 miles just riding down to 7 and back up.

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You can catch this route out of Zanesville , taking 555 south all the way to the Ohio river. You will hit nice curves that route, also keep an eye out for gravel along that route. So 555 to 32/7 taking that east/northeast to 60 north. That's where you can make up time heading back to Zanesville and home.


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Some of the best roads in the state are county roads and highways. Unfortunately for noob's, the internet motorcycle junkies have a weird idea that divulging the name of a public road will foster a bike-apocalypse and ruin it forever.

If they ever hear about Google-Earth and GPS routing tools, the might stop with that nonsense as almost anyone can find twisties this way.

In any case, fire up your mapping site of choice, and scan down to street level and look for good curvy roads. Ain't hard. Then, go explore them. If you find one, you can even keep it a secret it'll make ya feel special.

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  swingset said:
Some of the best roads in the state are county roads and highways. Unfortunately for noob's, the internet motorcycle junkies have a weird idea that divulging the name of a public road will foster a bike-apocalypse and ruin it forever.

yup! Thats why I decided to throw a bone to people and make it a little bit easier to find good roads. Some of the motorcycle roads websites are good but they don't have a lot of the little known roads that everyone here has knowledge of. When I was a noob I couldn't tell you the first that made a road fun or interesting so doing my part to help :)

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  swingset said:
Some of the best roads in the state are county roads and highways.

I agree...county roads are very overlooked.

Here's a few of my favorites;

Washington CR 11,42(posted about these earlier this spring)

Archers Fork Rd(on 26 N of Marietta)posted a year or so ago

Rinauld Mills Rd(on 26 at Rinauld Mills to 260)new pavement on 260 side,new pavement ends at county line.

Greasy Ridge Rd(Near South Point)haven't been on it for awhile,don't know pavement condition.Posted a couple years ago.

Big Pine Rd,Illsboro-Ceder Falls,Kreashbaum,Harble-Griffith(be careful on this one) and Thompson Ridge(all in the Hocking Hills area)

Salt Creek Dr.(runs from Duncan Falls to 146)getting paved this year.

Congo Rd(Perry county)pavement is getting a little rough.

Off the top of my head this would be my top 10,not neccessarily in order.One thing about county roads...you have to know how to read corners because sharp turns probably won't have signs suggesting speed like state routes do and pavement conditions can change drastically...especially at county lines.Just make your first pass at a sane speed...then have fun!:D

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  swingset said:

In any case, fire up your mapping site of choice, and scan down to street level and look for good curvy roads. Ain't hard. Then, go explore them. If you find one, you can even keep it a secret it'll make ya feel special.

...or for us old school types:rolleyes:...


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A good one in Central Ohio is Hickman Road, which runs between Hanover and SR79.

Can't tell ya how many guys do group rides out 79 to Coshocton and neglect to hit that one.

CR35 (Pinecrest Drive) West of Zanesville is good too, connects over to Pleasant Valley Road, which isn't bad and goes up to SR146. If you're heading towards Zanesville from Cols. or Newark, take 145, Pleasant Valley, then Pinecrest it's a good alternative. Parts of Pleasant Valley are rough but only the last section before CR35.

Reynolds Road in Utica (off of SR62) is a fun little road too, always take that to go have breakfast at the Pioneer.

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  swingset said:
A good one in Central Ohio is Hickman Road, which runs between Hanover and SR79.

Can't tell ya how many guys do group rides out 79 to Coshocton and neglect to hit that one.

CR35 (Pinecrest Drive) West of Zanesville is good too, connects over to Pleasant Valley Road, which isn't bad and goes up to SR146. If you're heading towards Zanesville from Cols. or Newark, take 145, Pleasant Valley, then Pinecrest it's a good alternative. Parts of Pleasant Valley are rough but only the last section before CR35.

Reynolds Road in Utica (off of SR62) is a fun little road too, always take that to go have breakfast at the Pioneer.

I run it all the time it just pretty short. And I'm betting if we take most of our group rides on it someone will be on the pavement

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