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Job, bike, finances, career moves, and opinions


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I've mentioned I'm in law school, but I currently do not work in the legal field. that hurts may chances of being hired after law school.

I just got off the phone with a friend who is pushing my resume to several people in my desired legal field. He asked me up-front, "are you open to un-paid internships if that's what they have available?"

So whether or not they have openings is a big "if," but assuming they do, I have a serious choice regarding giving up most or all of my income for the next 2 years while I finish school, and study for the bar.

Essentially I'm asking "what would you do?"

If I take an un-paid internship, I will probably be able to go to school full-time starting in January, which would allow me to graduate in December of 2012, rather than June of 2013.

I will also be done racing until then, and probably have to sell my bike.

Finances are a bit of an unknown. My wife has a steady full-time job, and actually makes more than i do (before my commission checks anyway). Removing half our income would hurt. A lot. But I am already eligible for more student loans than I accept, and axing half our income would probably increase the amounts of my subsidized loans.

Taking the internship definitely does not guarantee a job after graduation; but it does significantly increase my odds, gives me good references, and pads my resume with a lot of relevant work experience.

So again, what would you do?

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Honestly going in to law is a horrible financial decision. That much school and debt for a 60k a year job is insane. I hope law is something that you are passionate about, if it is take an internship. If you are not that passionate about law cut your losses now and get into a different field

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Honestly going in to law is a horrible financial decision. That much school and debt for a 60k a year job is insane. I hope law is something that you are passionate about, if it is take an internship. If you are not that passionate about law cut your losses now and get into a different field

lol shittygsxr the dream crusher....:D

I would probably take the internship.

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Honestly going in to law is a horrible financial decision. That much school and debt for a 60k a year job is insane. I hope law is something that you are passionate about, if it is take an internship. If you are not that passionate about law cut your losses now and get into a different field

How much do you think law school costs? I should graduate with around $80k in debt. This isn't Georgetown, where I'm racking up $230k for the right to take the bar exam.

first year associates at most firms start between $60k and $80k. A friend of mine started at close to six-figures, and with bonuses, makes well over $100k/year. she's barely a year out of law school.

I am looking at prosecution, which is far less lucrative, but the government has good benefits, and pays back 100% of that $80k in debt if I stick around for a few years.

I considered the finances before I ever enrolled.

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I would take the internship. You have to get established in your field somehow. I'll bet you know a lot of people out there that have degrees in something but are working in a completely different field because they never found a place to use their degree. Good luck.

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am i the only person in the world that LOVES that movie?

No. I think it's pretty damn funny along with this. I've read it more times than I care to remember and still laugh my ass off.


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Honestly is my hero

The only reason Tucker Max isn't just another fratboy jerkoff is because he wrote a book about how big of a fratboy jerkoff he is.

Kudos to him for capitalizing on being an asshole, but; unless they also have a book deal, those who actively emulate his behavior are just assholes. Laughing at the book is one thing, but a lot of people seem to want to BE Tucker Max. Those folks tend to annoy me.

Edited by redkow97
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The only reason Tucker Max isn't just another fratboy jerkoff is because he wrote a book about how big of a fratboy jerkoff he is.

Kudos to him for capitalizing on being an asshole, but; unless they also have a book deal, those who actively emulate his behavior are just assholes. Laughing at the book is one thing, but a lot of people seem to want to BE Tucker Max. Those folks tend to annoy me.

Fortunately I have too much of a heart, but catch me blackout drunk or in a bad mood and I pretend like I'm the 2nd coming

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, if anyone was keeping track, I got the official job offer this morning.

Unless I somehow manage to fail the piss test this afternoon, I should start later this week, or early next.

they can only afford to give me 20 hours a week, but they are paying me. I was preparing myself for unpaid. It's not much, but every little bit helps. I find out today if my current boss will let me cut back to 20 hours here, or if I'm going to be rEALLY poor. I'll switch to full-time status at school for the spring semester, and hopefully graduate a semester early.

if anyone wants to buy a slightly damaged track bike, mine is looking to be an easy fix - I just don't foresee having the funds free to get it back to track-worthy condition :(

I will probably sell some stuff, fix the bike, and then sell the bike in the spring though :(

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I've never met anyone who regrets the internship. My 34 year old cousin is now a major player at a big multinational food company after an unpaid internship. My college roommate is a VP at a national bank while in his mid-30s after interning right out if college. Although I earned a $5/hour stipend for my internship, I don't regret the choice. Congratulations and good luck!

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if anyone wants to buy a slightly damaged track bike, mine is looking to be an easy fix - I just don't foresee having the funds free to get it back to track-worthy condition :(

I will probably sell some stuff, fix the bike, and then sell the bike in the spring though :(

oh boy tempting...i was debating finding something over the winter too. hmmm

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let me know if you want to come take a look.

if the gauges and can are salvageable, it could honestly be $200-$300 total to get the bike back on track.

oh i'll for sure keep an eye on it and let ya know when the time comes and if its still around

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