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Helmet/ Bike Cams


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I am going to get my husband a helmet/Bike camera for Christmas. Can I get everyone's opinion about the different types. Which is best for sound, easy mounting, monitor included for aiming, software compatibility and battery life etc.? :confused:


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i just have a shitty old SD GoPro and love it minus the inability to put in a larger memory card. I only paid $70 for it though and for as much as I use it couldn't justify spending $300 on the HD version yet

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GoPro is the most popular, and from what I've seen, there's a good reason.

I am sure tehy are not the "best" setup available, but the available accessories and knowledge out there makes it my first choice.

It's kind of like the Mac v. PC debate... Mac's might legitimately be better, but there's a lot more "stuff" for PC, and more people are familiar with them. That makes the GoPro more practical, if not "better."

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Gixxie750 can also hook you up on the contour hd cams if you go that route. They have come down in price recently and can be had for less than $200. (non gps/Bluetooth versions). Gps/Bluetooth versions let u use your smartphone as a monitor wirelessly.

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