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TIRED of waving at other riders?


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Nah, nobody annoyed me, cuz nobody waved.

Might have seen you. Only saw a couple of non-Harleys.

I forgot about the Hill Climb, which is about ten mins from my house. Went one year, but haven't been back. I heard that it gets really ugly when it lets out. Something about a lotttt of people drinking gallons of beer all day (literally. They sell draft in gallon jugs at the event) then all trying to get out of the place at the same time on tiny roads, PLUS the Sauerkraut Festival being at the same time.


I was out riding about the same time Sunday. Short ride over by 73/741/48. Wonder if I'm one of the ones who annoyed you?;)
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since i bought the harley i can only wave at other harley riders, it was in the paper work when i purchased at the dealer, im bound by contract. i have tried to opt out, but if i do i loose all my harley shirts and my anniversary edition flaming skull bandana. so, sorry guys if you ride one of them there jap bikes i cant wave at ya

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i dont mind the waving. other guys and gals are out there on the 2 wheels doing what they love to do just like me, when someone waves at me I know they are just giving me a friendly hello or as if to say what a beautiful day to ride! Cant wave at everyone, but i certianly dont have sand in my vagina enough to say that I "wont wave" anymore.....

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Do you wave at other people who drive the same kind of car you do, or folks who wear the same kind of jeans? Or the same brand of shoes?

I think its funny that you start out talking about what a nice, understanding person you are, then trash someone because they (I) don't want to wave at you. Just because we're both on bikes doesn't mean we have anything more in common. I don't feel a kinship with you just because we happen to be passing each other. If we're on similar bikes, that may be a different story (or it may not). Other than the fact that you happen to be riding a motorcycle at the same time I am, and we're in the same area, I don't know anything about you. Off of the bikes, I may like you, or I may not.

No offense intended, I'm just throwing it out there.

FWIW, if I see a rider broken down, regardless of what kind of bike they're on, I'll stop to help them. But I won't wave as one of us pulls away.

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if I see a rider broken down, regardless of what kind of bike they're on, I'll stop to help them. But I won't wave as one of us pulls away

I like your style, nice... but not 2 nice. LMFAO

Do you wave at other people who drive the same kind of car you do, or folks who wear the same kind of jeans? Or the same brand of shoes?

I think its funny that you start out talking about what a nice, understanding person you are, then trash someone because they (I) don't want to wave at you. Just because we're both on bikes doesn't mean we have anything more in common. I don't feel a kinship with you just because we happen to be passing each other. If we're on similar bikes, that may be a different story (or it may not). Other than the fact that you happen to be riding a motorcycle at the same time I am, and we're in the same area, I don't know anything about you. Off of the bikes, I may like you, or I may not.

No offense intended, I'm just throwing it out there.

FWIW, if I see a rider broken down, regardless of what kind of bike they're on, I'll stop to help them. But I won't wave as one of us pulls away.

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How come?

On that note, I'm seeing more and more "Student Driver" stickers in the rear windows of cars. Are these really new drivers? When we lived overseas, new drivers had to have a specific symbol/ sticker on the rear of their car for the first year. I hate more laws and regs, but think that that one really makes sense.

Not sure what we can do about the blue hairs, though. I swear they're getting worse.

Texting doesn't kill people. Granny's Buick does.

I think it should be a law that permit riders and first year endorsement holders are required to wave.
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How come?

On that note, I'm seeing more and more "Student Driver" stickers in the rear windows of cars. Are these really new drivers? When we lived overseas, new drivers had to have a specific symbol/ sticker on the rear of their car for the first year. I hate more laws and regs, but think that that one really makes sense.

Not sure what we can do about the blue hairs, though. I swear they're getting worse.

Texting doesn't kill people. Granny's Buick does.

Yeah. It's a form of acceptance into the group and it is practice with multitasking. I mean, you're using all four appendages when you ride so this will help out with learning.

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I've officially (in my own mind) decided that I am tired of the whole waving-at-other-riders-on-the-road thing. I even penned a crappy acronym for it (Riders Against Waving). Dorky?? Absolutely.

I had to run errands on Sunday morning, and there were a TON of bikes out around here (Cin-Day corridor). I was hoping to get out and ride for a little while on Sun afternoon/ evening, but in the back of my head was something about "so many riders, and they'll all want to wave"...

So I get my chores done, and head out for a quick ride about 3:30. Still lots of bikes, but NOBODY waved except one guy on a blacked-out CBR in Miamisburg (okay, I did sorta wave at him. I admit it). The lack of waving was AWESOME. FWIW, this type of stuff is what would keep me from buying a Jeep as well (well, that, AND the whole bailout thing).

Like it said on a t-shirt which I saw the other day, "I'm not mean, I just don't like you". Gotta find me one of those.

Id wave to you cuz I think your SV is :bow:

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since i bought the harley i can only wave at other harley riders, it was in the paper work when i purchased at the dealer, im bound by contract. i have tried to opt out, but if i do i loose all my harley shirts and my anniversary edition flaming skull bandana. so, sorry guys if you ride one of them there jap bikes i cant wave at ya

I borrowed a friends 1977 GS750 over the weekend, and rode with a pair of harleys, usually following a good distance back so i could take corners at my pace, and not parking lot speed. One of them is a non-waver, and was making fun of it. I told them, just sell the harleys and get a Japanese bike. I laughed watching oncoming bikes wave to both harleys, and quickly retract their hand when they saw my 4 pipes.

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I usually only wave when the temp drops below 60 or so. I make exceptions for old bikes, cool weird bikes, and hot girls.

Yesterday i waved at an old lady hauling ass through some corners on a pink Metropolitan (I think) scooter. I waved cause i thought it was hilarious she was tearing it up on that thing.

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I normally wave, unless I forget, am cornering, or coming to a stop and using my hands. I don't care if anyone waves back.

Speaking of waving, a group of us went down 555 and over to Pomeroy for lunch yesterday and stopped at a gas station a few miles before getting on 555. While standing in the parking lot waiting for people to use the bathroom or finish their cigarette, some chick riding a Harley with a dude on riding bitch goes by. The dude decides to wave, and not just the "hey, how's it going" wave, but the full on "errrrr I wear this helmet because I randomly walk into walls", hand flailing high in the air wave.

A few of us saw him and started busting up laughing. I did wave back tho, I'm positive it made his day.

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How come?

On that note, I'm seeing more and more "Student Driver" stickers in the rear windows of cars. Are these really new drivers? When we lived overseas, new drivers had to have a specific symbol/ sticker on the rear of their car for the first year. I hate more laws and regs, but think that that one really makes sense.

Not sure what we can do about the blue hairs, though. I swear they're getting worse.

Texting doesn't kill people. Granny's Buick does.

btw, I was just kidding. :nono::lol:

The dude decides to wave, and not just the "hey, how's it going" wave, but the full on "errrrr I wear this helmet because I randomly walk into walls", hand flailing high in the air wave.


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Fun thread. The best are the folks in their yard or getting their mail that wave as I go by. Catches a city boy like me by surprise at first. Now, when I'm on the back roads, I wave when I see anyone look around when I go by.

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You are just riding the wrong roads. Sure, if you stick to the nice and easy roads like US 52 or US 68 there will be tons of riders out there on a nice day.

OTOH, pick an out of the way twisty and all of the cruisers disappear. Problem solved :p Pick something like SR781, SR763, Lick Skillet Road, Fishing Gut Road, and you won't be bothered by all those waving bikers:D:D:D

I've officially (in my own mind) decided that I am tired of the whole waving-at-other-riders-on-the-road thing. I even penned a crappy acronym for it (Riders Against Waving). Dorky?? Absolutely.

I had to run errands on Sunday morning, and there were a TON of bikes out around here (Cin-Day corridor). I was hoping to get out and ride for a little while on Sun afternoon/ evening, but in the back of my head was something about "so many riders, and they'll all want to wave"...

So I get my chores done, and head out for a quick ride about 3:30. Still lots of bikes, but NOBODY waved except one guy on a blacked-out CBR in Miamisburg (okay, I did sorta wave at him. I admit it). The lack of waving was AWESOME. FWIW, this type of stuff is what would keep me from buying a Jeep as well (well, that, AND the whole bailout thing).

Like it said on a t-shirt which I saw the other day, "I'm not mean, I just don't like you". Gotta find me one of those.

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You are just riding the wrong roads. Sure, if you stick to the nice and easy roads like US 52 or US 68 there will be tons of riders out there on a nice day.

OTOH, pick an out of the way twisty and all of the cruisers disappear. Problem solved :p Pick something like SR781, SR763, Lick Skillet Road, Fishing Gut Road, and you won't be bothered by all those waving bikers:D:D:D

Pick any twisty road more than 3 miles from a bar. The cruiser riders will have all ridden their drunk asses off the highway by then and you'll have the road to yourself.

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