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Download Hank's song after the Fox news interview


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I think Hank got a raw deal with that - I agree that he was not comparing Obama to Hitler and was actually commenting more about the unlikely pairing of Obama and Boehner as being like "Pairing Hitler and Netanyahu" for the golf game.

He could have gone with a less controversial comparison, like "Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony..." or "Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher...", but that still doesn't change the fact that people over-reacted (either becuase they were too stupid to understand what he really said, or just chose to use it as an opportunity to bash on an Obama-hater), ESPN proved itself to have zero testicular fortitude and a minor injustice was done.

Still, any chance that ESPN could see the error of their ways and invite him back is long gone now that he has written the new song.

Edited by Scruit
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