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buying motorcycle online?


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How safe is it to buy bikes from ebay and all? what all things should we be careful about?

This might have been discussed before, a quick search did not give me valuable info, looking forward to opinion from some one from here who have done it or who knows some one who bought like that.

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I personally don't like buying bikes without looking at them first. I would only be interested if the seller allows me to go check it out (whether its a classified or regular auction). I have never shelled out money before I took a look, but I have taken a gamble driving 100's of miles to a sale I found online. I don't trust a system to refund me if something is not as expected or mentioned in the advertisement

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yea i understand what u mean imprez, same here.. but some sites have like well documented stuff etc etc. Looks pretty honest, and good reps on ebay ..so was wondering if any one had any experience before

Sniper, no concrete plans, just toying around with ideas during the cold non riding months :D ... currently looking at suzuki DL, the basic idea is looking at affordable, light weight sport touring capable bike for 2 up rides.

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I bought a car via auction, bought bike via forums, etc... but I have never forked any money over sight unseen, or had something shipped to me. Always went and checked out the items thoroughly before handing over the $. For things like ebay, the same rules apply, if it was not as stated, you can walk away from the seller. Vstroms are pretty reliable so unless its one of those relentlessly abused rock crawlers or something, I'd say its hard to go wrong.:D

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I bought mine off Ebay, however I paid him in person when I went to get it. If it wasn't what he described I had plans to say nevermind and walk away. Don't think I'd feel comfortable if I couldn't see it before putting down the cash. Even though Ebay and Paypal both have buyer protection.

Sent from my extremely awesome captivate...

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