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Why carry a gun?


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Here's a story for you:

Back in 91 my oldest sister was brutally raped, stabbed over 20 times and her dead body soaked in gasoline and set on fire in the street in akron. If she had been carrying a gun and shot the son of a bitch who, BTW, the cops never found, worse case is she would be out of prison by now.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Hope you have that $36k in the bank. That won't go far.

nope, cause if I had actually paid for that health insurance, i either wouldn't have my car, (which i need to get back and forth to work) or I wouldn't have car insurance (so i would lose my license) I would go into default on my student loan (never a good thing) or starve to death...which seems like a bad option as well. I didn't have the money, don't have the money, and for the forseeable future WONT have the money to throw $300 a month into the toilet.

Of course there's the rest of us who make good choices that will happily be mandated to fund your recovery if you should ever need it.

you make nothing but good choices? intertesting... also, I don't think I ever asked you to pay for shit... I've paid all my doctor bills (and all my other bills for that matter)

Your philosophy speaks volumes about you and your views. Allow the government to provide for me...

excuse me what the fuck has the government provided me? a loan at a reasonable interest rate to cover tuition? that's about it, other than that, they just take take take...




riiight, if safety means being harassed by a bunch of dickhead cops.


believe me, they have taken much more of my income than they have given

In the animal world, we refer to those as parasites. Interestingly though, under the shitty current system, you have the freedom to be irresponsible. Under the great king's new law, you will be required, under penalty of law, to PURCHASE and continue to carry insurance.

penalty of law, yeah that's a $1,000 fine (if it sticks), I don't have it either. but pissing away $1,000 on a bullshit fine beats pissing away $3,600 on a bullshit illusion of security.

Magz would be better off utilizing a catastrophic plan with a high deductible. Insurance for me and Lyns costs $123/month for a private plan. However' date=' our deductible is $5k. Works for us, but may not fit the bill for everyone.[/quote']

This might actually be a decent option, because a catastrophe is what it would take to get me back into a hospital. doesn't stop the whole insurance industry from being a big ass scam

I hope that you are fair and decent enough not to expect the rest of us to pay for your hospital bill when you do get seriously sick or injured.

nope, I pay my own bills

That $36,000 you feel you "saved" won't pay for two days of ICU care after a serious accident. You want to skimp, yes, that should be your right, but then be man enough to live (or die) with the consequences of your decision.

fully expect to.

Edited by magley64
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Here's a story for you:

Back in 91 my oldest sister was brutally raped, stabbed over 20 times and her dead body soaked in gasoline and set on fire in the street in akron. If she had been carrying a gun and shot the son of a bitch who, BTW, the cops never found, worse case is she would be out of prison by now.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I feel for you man, that is a terrible loss, but her carrying a gun might not have meant anything changed at all, other than among the stolen goods was a gun that was used to shoot someone else.

then again, as you say it could have very well meant all the difference in the world.

I've said everything there is to say on my end of this topic. You have the right to carry whatever gun your government will allow you to carry (bullshit statement when you phrase it that way, huh?) so carry your guns to your heart's content. You won't find me carrying one. I simply don't need it.

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I live by the philosophy that it is better to have it on me and not need it than to need it and not have it! I appreciate you supporting my right to carry even though you choose not to!

Thank you! I only wish more people would support the right whether or not they planned on using the right.

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nope, cause if I had actually paid for that health insurance, i either wouldn't have my car, (which i need to get back and forth to work) or I wouldn't have car insurance (so i would lose my license) I would go into default on my student loan (never a good thing) or starve to death...which seems like a bad option as well. I didn't have the money, don't have the money, and for the forseeable future WONT have the money to throw $300 a month into the toilet.

you make nothing but good choices? intertesting... also, I don't think I ever asked you to pay for shit... I've paid all my doctor bills (and all my other bills for that matter)

excuse me what the fuck has the government provided me? a loan at a reasonable interest rate to cover tuition? that's about it, other than that, they just take take take...


riiight, if safety means being harassed by a bunch of dickhead cops.

believe me, they have taken much more of my income than they have given

penalty of law, yeah that's a $1,000 fine (if it sticks), I don't have it either. but pissing away $1,000 on a bullshit fine beats pissing away $3,600 on a bullshit illusion of security.

This might actually be a decent option, because a catastrophe is what it would take to get me back into a hospital. doesn't stop the whole insurance industry from being a big ass scam

nope, I pay my own bills

fully expect to.

I shouldn't have made that a personal attack. Broke my own rule. My apologies. If you are ever in need of healthcare, offer to pay the Medicare Fee Screen. It's quite a bit less than what your bill will be and the provider will be happy to get it.

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I really just wish you would get back into shooting Matt "just 1 pistol this time",:p we would have allot of fun shooting zombies. And I'm sure the Marine in you knows that you could handle most situations, things have gone well for you thus far.:cool:

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You're right Brian, I'm sure it is the Marine in me thinking I could handle most situations!

Someday I'll get another pistol, just like someday I'll ride again.

No worries about that.

I have every intention to teach Connor how to shoot...the same way my dad did, starting with BB guns, then progressing as he gets older. Those were some of the best times with my dad!

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You're right Brian, I'm sure it is the Marine in me thinking I could handle most situations!

Someday I'll get another pistol, just like someday I'll ride again.

No worries about that.

I have every intention to teach Connor how to shoot...the same way my dad did, starting with BB guns, then progressing as he gets older. Those were some of the best times with my dad!

Looking forward to seeing that! Yes Grant and I love shooting, he is a good lil shot and the time spent together is priceless. You know I am gonna badger you about that bike and pistol!!!!!:thefinger:

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Speedytriple, just out of curiosity, I'd like to hear why you drew but didn't shoot.

I work off shifts, was getting out of work at 12 am and showered had a long day and wanted to stop for some beer. I stopped on the west side of cleveland at a gas station on my way home from work. walked in got my beer and was walking out to my s.u.v. I noticed a man coming up on me fast from across the back side off the gas station. He was either real drunk or on something. He starts asking me for beer or money. I gave him a few dollars I had and went to get into my truck. Next thing I know he jumped thru my window and was across my chest grabbing at my beer. After screaming and hitting him a few times to "get the fuck out of my car" He was still trying to climb in the window over my lap to grab stuff in my truck. I pulled my 9mm and screamed I have a gun get the fuck out of my car now. He dropped out the window onto the ground. Stood up and screamed don't shoot me. By now half the people in the gas station were either looking or walking up to my car. He fled into the dark side of the station where he came from. I didn't feel I needed to use deadly force on him. He had no weapon, but since he kinda pinned me to my seat and I had limited movement I felt the need to pull my weapon to remove him from my car. Sorry kinda got long winded there. But I have had a few stupid ass people by my work at night do crazy shit that made me feel glad I had my gun on me.

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I work off shifts, was getting out of work at 12 am and showered had a long day and wanted to stop for some beer. I stopped on the west side of cleveland at a gas station on my way home from work. walked in got my beer and was walking out to my s.u.v. I noticed a man coming up on me fast from across the back side off the gas station. He was either real drunk or on something. He starts asking me for beer or money. I gave him a few dollars I had and went to get into my truck. Next thing I know he jumped thru my window and was across my chest grabbing at my beer. After screaming and hitting him a few times to "get the fuck out of my car" He was still trying to climb in the window over my lap to grab stuff in my truck. I pulled my 9mm and screamed I have a gun get the fuck out of my car now. He dropped out the window onto the ground. Stood up and screamed don't shoot me. By now half the people in the gas station were either looking or walking up to my car. He fled into the dark side of the station where he came from. I didn't feel I needed to use deadly force on him. He had no weapon, but since he kinda pinned me to my seat and I had limited movement I felt the need to pull my weapon to remove him from my car. Sorry kinda got long winded there. But I have had a few stupid ass people by my work at night do crazy shit that made me feel glad I had my gun on me.

My hand would have been on my gun long before it escalated into that.

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Carrying beer and hand on your gun... How did you open your car door :confused::D

Summer time windows down. put the beer thru the window opened the door, got in. Next thing the guy asks me for money or beer, gave him a few bucks then he dove thru the window. Sucks that people are that stupid for a quick score he almost got shot.

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