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picked up another pet today

Steve Butters

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yea reptiles are very demanding....but i like that they live in enclosures, dont shed all over the house, and they will hang out with you like lap dogs lol....more maintenance than dogs/cats, but less hassle at the same time...reptiles are my favorite pets...once i get my own house im building an 8ftx6ftx4ft tank and getting a black throat monitor...but that may be 10 years or more down the road...those animals get huge and require a lot of attention, so i wont be getting one until im sure i have the time for it - which wont be for a long time lol

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Sounds like a good retirement pet. At least your smart enough to wait til you can care for it. To many people jump in because they think it would be cool to own reptiles....good luck and congrats on the new addition!

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thank you! and yea - it may just end up being a retirement pet! my only worry getting one that late in life is they live sooo long...if i pass away before it, who is going to want to take care of a 6-8 foot monitor? lol

i have decided its definitely later in life - maybe after i have a kid and they get old enough to go off to college - then ill have free time lol

i love reptiles - i already have plans to get another bearded dragon once i graduate college next year, and maybe some leopard geckos....im going to just have a bedroom dedicated to reptiles when i finish school and get my own place lol

crazy that my girl has no problem with an 8ft lizard with razor sharp teeth, yet if i brought a corn snake into the house she would flip out!

heres what i have planned for my next beardie...i was actually going to get one sooner, but this little guy caught my eye and i had to have it lol...i like that she has 3 legs, it gives her character lol

this will be my next one


and one of these


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yes they are awesome!

my girl doesnt like the skinks (one with blue tongue) because she says they look like fat snakes with stubby legs lol but she already gave me the go ahead to get one when we find a place next year...but i think the white beardie will come first...i like reptiles because i can have a lot of them and enjoy them all and they dont take up space, dont smell, dont tear up the house, etc....my plan is to have 3 beardies at a time, and all of them can stack up together (one enclosure on top of the other - lights mounted inside instead of on top) so it will only take up one corner of a room...eventually theres about 10 reptiles i would like to own (and thats a narrowed down list to be "practical" lol)

you should give it another shot, they are the best pets in the world....especially these bearded dragons....do a LOT of research (or you could PM me any questions and i can give you all the details) and buy from a reputable breeder (even if you have to order online)...by ordering through breeders, you can even pick different morphs...white, red, orange, citrus, etc....they come in all kinds of colors...i normally wouldnt buy a reptile from a pet store but i couldnt just leave her there all helpless lol...she gave me the puppy eyes every time i went to buy crickets

luckily for me (and my bank account) i think that store has given up on selling bearded dragons after having this one that i bought...they thought they would never sell it since it was missing a leg....the tank today was rearranged and a sign for a panther gecko was up....so i wont be buying another from them lol

panther geckos are pretty fuckin awesome too though lol...but i shall resist!


Edited by Steve Butters
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