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ATF revokes Federal Firearms License from owner of Red Jacket firearms


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What's a frog march?

IMHO...frog march = the way a person hops to move when the legs are shackled together with chain and locks..

Merriam-Webster says frog march = to seize from behind roughly and forcefully propel forward

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What's a frog march?

Where I come from Frog March = To forcibly take someone away at a brisk walking pace by means of physical control the arms and/or torso. Think about a bouncer "escorting" a troublemaker out of a bar by twisting an arm up his back.

In usage: "One of the my co-workers threatened to quit unless he got a raise. The boss had him frog-marched right out the door."

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Guess no one ever told them the ATF can be sticklers about keeping track of guns. Unless they’re headed south of the border, that is.


oh, and the other show is better...stephanie would still get it majorly, but i bet that paige girl is a screamer....dont care if shes 17 or not - i would give it to her fo' sho'

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Eh, both shows suck in their own way. The guy on American guns is a total douche bag, but his jailbait daughter dressing like street meat makes up for it. Sons of guns started out as a good idea but the producers fucking ruined it with the whole love story bullshit and all the suspense music every time they test something for the first time. Steph has an annoying voice and she's a little floppy in the midsection from her popping out a bastard child but I'd probably still hit it.

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Eh, both shows suck in their own way. The guy on American guns is a total douche bag, but his jailbait daughter dressing like street meat makes up for it. Sons of guns started out as a good idea but the producers fucking ruined it with the whole love story bullshit and all the suspense music every time they test something for the first time. Steph has an annoying voice and she's a little floppy in the midsection from her popping out a bastard child but I'd probably still hit it.

well if that's you in your avatar...that's the pot calling the kettle black...:wtf:

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How much longer can this show actually last? I'm all for blowing things up but too much drama it seems.

I've been sucked into this show twice to see the outcome of their build (moreso the actual blowing of things up), but am absolutely annoyed by the typical reality-TV manufactured drama. My time is more efficiently spent watching FPS Russia videos.

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