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WHat would you do - false advertising...


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Dude, please do tell where I started anything against you. I think the bottom line is that you are a guy that gets all butt hurt over little issues online and feel that the real world is hidden within you computer screen.

If you just don't like me, that's totally cool. I don't care. But, your 3rd grade attitude and little blurbs of nonsense is getting tiresome and apparently to others.


Don't take the internet so seriously, we're all here for the fun. If I held a grudge for every little thing people said to me or call me out on for being a blithering idiot I'd be the biggest Emo fucktard around :)

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I'm glad I was the one that started the third grade shit :dunno: its funny you get your panties in a knot and you pull the same shit.

Riiiiiiight... Let's share what's really at the core here. I get your PM and you tell me what is bothering you. Yes, folks... He is bitter over the thread posted here:


Now, not sure where I do any third grade stuff and use name calling and things like that. I'd say that a post from over 3 months ago is hilarious. And, if you think what I stated was "third grade shit", you are simply upset and that's the best retort you can come up with. As I mentioned in my PM response, the issue is that some people hate to hear the truth or hate to hear anything that is contrary to their thought process. Thus, they get pissed and upset. I'm all for learning new things and even accept being wrong when shown to be.

However, the idea that healthy debate means two people can have different views and have a nice debate to see what is really correct. The difference here is that if you can prove me wrong or show my thoughts are not the best, I can be a man and admit I was wrong or compliment on you being correct. I've done it hundreds of times. The great thing about debates and people that MAKE YOU PROVE YOUR POINT is that if they do and they are correct, I actually am learning something. Yes, Forrest, you can actually learn something when you initially were thinking the opposite...

In your case, you think that I am an asshole simply because I comment contrary to your beliefs. I have my points of view, but instead of being civil and making a realistic point of view, you belittle or make snide comments about what was going on. When myself and literally several others comment against what you stated, you get pissed. I just so happen to be a bit more vocal and colorful in my responses and so, you got butt hurt, let it build inside and come at me with a vengeance and cannot let go.

Just like I mentioned earlier and in the other thread...

Hell, dude... I didn't even remember that thread or the comments. Just like Bad was saying in his post agreeing with me. If I took every little thing and harvested it away and let it build, I would explode. You gotta get over shit, dude...

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I'd call it a lesson in purchasing as it sounds like sending them back is going to be a POS. Take the $15 if you can get it.

I agree. It was totally my bad to trust a guy that stated they were 9 out of 10. I really should have asked for pics. I honestly am usually very thorough and would typically ask for them. Don't know if I had a brain fart or what, but you are correct - lesson learned.

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Riiiiiiight... Let's share what's really at the core here. I get your PM and you tell me what is bothering you. Yes, folks... He is bitter over the thread posted here:


Now, not sure where I do any third grade stuff and use name calling and things like that. I'd say that a post from over 3 months ago is hilarious. And, if you think what I stated was "third grade shit", you are simply upset and that's the best retort you can come up with. As I mentioned in my PM response, the issue is that some people hate to hear the truth or hate to hear anything that is contrary to their thought process. Thus, they get pissed and upset. I'm all for learning new things and even accept being wrong when shown to be.

However, the idea that healthy debate means two people can have different views and have a nice debate to see what is really correct. The difference here is that if you can prove me wrong or show my thoughts are not the best, I can be a man and admit I was wrong or compliment on you being correct. I've done it hundreds of times. The great thing about debates and people that MAKE YOU PROVE YOUR POINT is that if they do and they are correct, I actually am learning something. Yes, Forrest, you can actually learn something when you initially were thinking the opposite...

In your case, you think that I am an asshole simply because I comment contrary to your beliefs. I have my points of view, but instead of being civil and making a realistic point of view, you belittle or make snide comments about what was going on. When myself and literally several others comment against what you stated, you get pissed. I just so happen to be a bit more vocal and colorful in my responses and so, you got butt hurt, let it build inside and come at me with a vengeance and cannot let go.

Just like I mentioned earlier and in the other thread...

Hell, dude... I didn't even remember that thread or the comments. Just like Bad was saying in his post agreeing with me. If I took every little thing and harvested it away and let it build, I would explode. You gotta get over shit, dude...

Healthy debate? :lol: you debate like a liberal. Mockery is not a debate. I must always cone off like I'm angry or something maybe my humor/sarcasm does not come through.

There should be a sarcasm font!

I would like to apologize for any and all spelling errors sometimes my "smart" phone and fat fingers have issues. I did not mean to be the cause of an enlarged anal prolapse! A special apology to Brian as his prolapse is apparently very painful, you should seek medical help for the itching and burning sensation.

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I agree. It was totally my bad to trust a guy that stated they were 9 out of 10. I really should have asked for pics. I honestly am usually very thorough and would typically ask for them. Don't know if I had a brain fart or what, but you are correct - lesson learned.

Back on topic :

I would realist it on the forum, and get what I could out of it if you are not going to use it. I would make note for other members not to trust his x out of 10 ratings.

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Back on topic :

I would realist it on the forum, and get what I could out of it if you are not going to use it. I would make note for other members not to trust his x out of 10 ratings.

See? You can actually offer something of value! I'm somewhat proud of you! And, you don't have to blame your ignorance on a smart phone that most likely (unless it is from pre-1990) has spell check.

As for the anal prolapse, doctor mentioned rubbing will help the swelling. You free later?:nono:

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