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No idea what's wrong with our education system


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+ rep for the teacher.

Spending more than about 15 minutes on The Renaissance is a waste of time:

- Leo da Vinci and Michelangelo created some neat art, and later became 1/2 of the Ninja Turtles (i think)

- Bill Shakespeare wrote some hard-to-read books and poems

- the Medici family was powerful in banking

- Columbus sailed the ocean blue, in 14 hundred and 92

- watch out for the plague!

There ya go, The Renaissance in a nutshell.

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We had a teacher at my school who wanted to show the movie 300 to a group of 6th graders. I couldn't even list the massive number of reasons this is a terrible idea.

Was this the great city of huber? Wouldn't surprise me if it was...we watched dr. Giggles at wayne.

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Was this the great city of huber? Wouldn't surprise me if it was...we watched dr. Giggles at wayne.

No I work for a school in Dayton. My high school Latin teacher's curriculum was comprised of Monty Python Holy Grail, Life of Brian and a few other "Ancient Historical Films" LOL That was a great class.

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You should see the way some of the teachers behave at the bar I work at. When I ask them where they teach, they think I'm being polite. I'm not.

I'm making sure to never send my kids (when I have them) to that school. I don't want that crazy rubbing off on any spawn of mine.

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I went into a history class at work to fix some classroom computer thing. But something about the teacher caught my attention. I had to turn back and look, and I said "You're Special Forces, aren't you?" He was. Not past tense, but forever present tense.

Retired Army Special Forces, teaching history to college students.

I say he can teach whatever he wants, show any movie he wants. Ok by me.

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Teachers are pretty much split 50% family focused and 50% with a drinking problem. It's the job...causes them to drink.

Very much this. One of my best friends is a teacher and he fits this to a T. But it's like hes 2 different people, at school and out of school he carries himself appropriately for the situation

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We recieved a nasty-gram from our son's 1st grade teacher bitching at us because he did more work than he was supposed to and messed up her plan for working with him that day. All i could do was shake my head in disbelief. We wrote a note back stating we will never stop our son crom doing more work than he is required to do. Should be an interesting conference next month.

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According to Google' date=' only 1 child per 12 attend Christian schools. Based on these numbers, I don't think we can blame theological schools on our current problem. It's deeper than that. Lazy parents. Lazy teachers. Piss-poor attempt at government oversight. (read: controls funds, but lacks any positive influence)[/quote']

I agree with this...my parents made me do my home work. Even in high school I worked and still had to do my home work and chores before bed. I had a few teachers that did care and I learned so much from them.

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So your son did more work than expected and this is a bad thing? That's just ridiculous!

I was always lectured for not living up to my potential, but never for doing too much, wow

We recieved a nasty-gram from our son's 1st grade teacher bitching at us because he did more work than he was supposed to and messed up her plan for working with him that day. All i could do was shake my head in disbelief. We wrote a note back stating we will never stop our son crom doing more work than he is required to do. Should be an interesting conference next month.

Sent from my iPhone using SIRI

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Christian schools are what's wrong with our education system.

I doubt that very much. I went to a Catholic school, 1st through 8th grade. High school was public. My freshman and most of my sophomore year was spent sleeping because I was already way ahead of everyone else and still aced my classes. As long as religion isn't forced down kids throats, it's not a problem. Most of the kids from my class have gone on to be fairly successful and contributing member of society. We had teachers who cared and would go the extra distance for a student, whatever it took. High school wasn't like that. Yeah I had a few really good teachers who cared, but not to the extent of the teachers from the private school.

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