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THIS is why I work on my own car.


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Just got my car back from the alignment shop. As many of you know I have a dashcam in my car.

The tech who took it on a test drive went to a private road near a parking lot, stopped at a stop sign then floored it up to redline in 1st gear, tried to powershift into 2nd but got the gear lever jammed (has happened to me before, so I don't powershift!). Revved the engine a few times trying to get the lever out of beign jammed in 2nd (probably jammed between 2nd and 4th with both detent balls half-stuck in place). Then continued to drive it like he stole it before going back to the shop. :nono:

So, all in all not the worst thing that could happen, like the last time. But now I'm conviced that these teenagers working at auto shops can't be trusted with even a halfway decent car.

I called it in to the manager and said I wasn't making an official complaint, but wanted him to let the tech know that hew can't drive customer's cars like that. At first he was understandibly unwilling to chew out an employee based upon my word alone, but letting him know I have a dashcam changed the tone of the conversation a little. Nobody's getting fired or beaten up, just a quick word in his ear to keep him honest. :rolleyes:

Going on youtube tonight. Stand by.

I'm amazed he didn't see the two coke-can sized cameras behind the rear-view mirror, or the sign on the mirror that says; "This car is subject to constant audio/video monitoring inside and out" :confused:

This is the second time this has happened - last time was at another shop, another teenage alignment tech. That video went viral and was featured on an online news program, and the guys nearly lost their jobs - I stuck up for their jobs to the owner of the dealership, but agreed they needed to be punished in some way (Some months of probationary status, I believe). In that case the techs knew about the camera and tried to disable it. Didn't succeed. Time for a Valet Mode ECU map.


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Seriously though, this sickens me, and you've got a hell of a lot more restraint than I do.

I'm not exactly sure what I'd do in this situation...but probably something drastic.

Please post of the video.

Also, where did this happen?

I think it's only fair to name the shop, if for nothing else than to warn others of what might happen.

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Wait a minute you actually have a sign in your car saying "This car is subject to constant audio/video monitoring inside and out"????

Yes. This protects me when I post videos of what people in the car say - no wiretap violation of the space is posted as subject to audio recording. People outside the car are in public anyway so it doens't matter.

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Why the fuck would you post this and NOT post the name of the shop?

What good is that...

This is a shop I've used a few times in the past and not had a problem with - don't want the actions of one stupid teenager make me burn my bridges there and not be able to go back.

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Wiretap laws.


It is illegal to record a conversation when nobody in the conversation knows of the recording (with exceptions for police etc.) Every now and then the cameras would catch a conversation. That may or may not be a wiretap violation. Youtubing said video would definitely be a violation. The previous joyriders clearly stated that they knew of the camera and microphone, so their recording was legal. Others, not legal.

To make sure I could always use any conversation, I put the sign up. Anyone wants to argue wiretap is out of luck becuase I gave notification.

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I won't go to a shop unless I'm forced to. And I'll hang around until it's finished.

Even oil change places will lie to you. If the filter is too difficult to get to they just change the oil and send you on your way. I bet most Nitros and late model liberties still have the factory oil filter.

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I won't go to a shop unless I'm forced to. And I'll hang around until it's finished.

Even oil change places will lie to you. If the filter is too difficult to get to they just change the oil and send you on your way. I bet most Nitros and late model liberties still have the factory oil filter.

I get around this by occasionally asking for the old filter back.

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Wiretap laws.


It is illegal to record a conversation when nobody in the conversation knows of the recording (with exceptions for police etc.) Every now and then the cameras would catch a conversation. That may or may not be a wiretap violation. Youtubing said video would definitely be a violation. The previous joyriders clearly stated that they knew of the camera and microphone, so their recording was legal. Others, not legal.

To make sure I could always use any conversation, I put the sign up. Anyone wants to argue wiretap is out of luck becuase I gave notification.

I was actually asking why you would 'want' to record things that go on in your car. I'm sure you have your reasons, but it sounds kind of creepy.

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In that case the techs knew about the camera and tried to disable it. Didn't succeed. Time for a Valet Mode ECU map.

You had me all the way up to this. If someone intentionally attempts to destroy or disable your personal property (moreso when it's entrusted to their care), that's a criminal offense right there. You're a good man for making sure they didn't completely get the axe for the spirited driving, but when they actively start hacking stuff that's when, IMO, the foot needs to come down.

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I was actually asking why you would 'want' to record things that go on in your car. I'm sure you have your reasons, but it sounds kind of creepy.

In case the car is broken into, stolen, vandalized or hit in a parking lot. It has vibration sensors and ultrasonic motion detectors that turn the cameras on if people touch the car or get inside it.

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I guess I don't understand any of this. You have a dashcam for these exact reasons, to catch people doing things they shouldn't, yet you basically just post up a story with no information. I mean isn't the point of the dashcam to protect your stuff and in turn get people in trouble along with ensuring none of us use the shop? If not what is the point? I mean I can see just knowing to know, but then what's the point of posting this, or putting it online?

Seems like a big waste of time to install it, watch it, and then post up info that basically is helpless to us.

Not trying to be a d*ck, just making a point. If something like this would have happened to me, you better believe I'd have gotten those people fired, asked for a full refund, and sent the information along with the video to every local news station. That would make more sense.

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I guess I don't understand any of this. You have a dashcam for these exact reasons, to catch people doing things they shouldn't, yet you basically just post up a story with no information. I mean isn't the point of the dashcam to protect your stuff and in turn get people in trouble along with ensuring none of us use the shop? If not what is the point? I mean I can see just knowing to know, but then what's the point of posting this, or putting it online?

Seems like a big waste of time to install it, watch it, and then post up info that basically is helpless to us.

Not trying to be a d*ck, just making a point. If something like this would have happened to me, you better believe I'd have gotten those people fired, asked for a full refund, and sent the information along with the video to every local news station. That would make more sense.

I'm not that vindictive. The cameras exist to act as a witness in a crash. An ancillary bonus is that I can post up youtube videos of weird things, near misses and angry cops and make hundreds of dollars a month on adsense (I made $1607 December alone). You can bet this video will go up there too and make me some money.

If the shop is going to deal with that one employee then why would I want to hurt the shop as a whole? Especially one I have an established long-term custoemr relationship with? They've always done good work in the past and never been stupid. No need to put the hurt on people for mistakes when those mistakes are corrected.

I thought it was an interesting thing worth talking about. If you don't, sorry.

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