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Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen


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My daughter doesnt enen know the password to her face book(we do) she only can get on it on her tablet which is mostly FB mobile, and when she want to get on the desk top its in the living room where we can watch. And my wife checks it daily by loggin in to her FB account, and some of the shit her little freinds post is crazy, (oh yea shes 12 and in the 6th grade)and we make sure she know that shit is unacceptable and she will not be involed with those type of caonversations. And it going to remain this way untill she is at least 17 or 18.

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Its too bad that parents like this are about one in a thousand. People who let their children bully them have no idea the damage they're doing.

This is obvious from the comments on the video, probably 9 out of 10 people think he over reacted and that a child should not live in his house. He may have been one of the most down to earth guys I have ever seen, yet people find things to bitch about. Granted, those people are probably like his daughter and expect everything to be handed to them. I think every one on OR and the guy in this video should create a new country on an island somewhere with winding roads, motorcycles and guns, although we may need more womenz lol.

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The only difference between that guy and my dad...my dad would have made me shoot my laptop while he watched, and he would have made me use his 12 gauge...

I believe that too! Would your Dad or Mom have been worse in a situation like that?

Yeah this guy has my upmost respect, you can be the best parent and still have a kid be a brat. I am betting she is hating life right now, and so many kids are such disrespectful and lazy little shits. Good thing our boys have parents like us huh?;) Words of advice to kids out there who think they are smarter than their parents.......DON'T FUCK WITH YOUR PARENTS!

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