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Do you make music?


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Are you in a band and write your own songs? Or do you ever play with music generating programs on the computer? Have any examples? Here's one of my first songs but now everything I use im my videos is music I make on the computer.:rolleyes:


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i have been making music, or at least trying to, for about a year now. Just now have my little home studio all completed. Im using Propellerhead Reason 5 mostly for production and composition and i have an oxygen 49 keyboard and a akai drum pad I've been using for most of the midi stuff. If you are interested in collaborating id be cool with that. Just let me know

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Been in a multitude of bands since I learned to play guitar back in '92 - always found composition to be my strong suit, but recording and playing out are just a bonus - awesome feeling to see people get into what we do live, but my heart belongs to writing music.

I have a Boss DR660 drum machine thats good for practicing riffs and/or writing drums for complete songs, but the older I get it seems I devote a lot less time to it. Next milestone for my musical "hobby" will be to setup a dedicated room strictly for music writing and instrumental practice - would like a synth keyboard to fill in for the missing elements since I only play guitar/piano - would like to tap back into my roots by writing various styles of music instead of having to focus on what the bands want me to write.......dont get me wrong, I LOVE metal and heavier stuff but its limited my skillset to some melody, higher speed, technique and powerful riffing......I would appreciate more melody and sweet sounds at a slower pace to help bring more attention to "feel" and make a more tasteful product sometimes. Guess my age is affecting my semi-talented sensibilities:D

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