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Officer tases handcuffed woman - now brain dead.


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The little bit of background I got was that she was a 2x hit/run suspect with oxycodone and cocaine in her system. She was arrested and She started the remove the cuffs and ran. She was tased in the back, but as she fell she turned and hit her head. She is now braindead.


EDIT: I just saw the date was from 2011... BUt CNN is reporting this today? Must be a change in status about something...

Edited by Scruit
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I hate to sound negative. I unfortunately have very little respect for people that try to run from the law. It sucks because stuff like this makes both sides look bad. If the story you posted to go along with the video is correct and she truly was on drugs and a multiple repeat offender I hold not sorrow in my heart for her.

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politically correct would be he shouldn't have tased her in the back. However, I am in a differnt mood tonight and had she taken responsibility for her dumbass actions, she wouldn't have ran, hense she wouldn't have been tased, hence she wouldn't be brain dead. I guess this sort of common sense eludes her now that she is brain dead. Just pisses me off we have to pay for her care. Oh well one less drug user on the street to buy drugs from the dealers.

Wow i should probably go to bed.....I'm in a shitty mood apparently.

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My thoughts, randomly...

Should he have used a taser - was there a safer option available?

- Hitting her head was not intentional

- Any other method he chooses to stop her running (tackling her, baton or something like that) is just as likely to make he hit hear head

- She was high on drugs, so allowing her to run towards the main road would be more dangerous.

- I believe hitting her head was a freak accident brought on by the officer stopping her running. Just as likely regardless of how he stops her.

Was it that important to stop her?

- She was a hit/run suspect high on drugs escaping from a police station. I believe the officer had the rigth to stop her escape.

- The fact that she was cuffed is troubling on the face of it, but she had slipped the cuffs to the front so she could run faster.

All in all... The officer has a duty to stop her fleeing arrest, and she force him into a situation where he had to stop her. His chosen method was effective and generaly considered to be safe - however resulted in a freak accident.

Most telling to me... If she had not hit her head then this would be just another taser deployment. The officer can't blamed for a freak accident.

Difficult situation, but it was all the girl's doing. He series of actions (taking drugs, driving, crashing, running, slipping the cuffs and fleeing the police) were the ultimate cause of her demise.

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All the cop haters on arfcom calling the cop a fat pig, its all his fault that she got away, he was too lazy to catch her etc..

Bottom line is that she made her choice to break the law and her and family will now have to pay the price for her actions. There was no intent to hurt her, he called for medical right away. Good taze.

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How much different would it have been had he chased her like the cop haters wanted and her doped up ass ran into traffic and got hit by a car? Either way, she put herself/allowed herself to be in a position to run from a cop and subjected herself to the potential harm that comes with that. Natural selection strikes again.

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Dumb bitch got what she deserved. (To avoid offending paully) if you do hard drugs I have no sympathy for you if you do dumb shit. I just hope that her family is having to pay for the life support if she is on it.

Unfortuneately, when officers take someone into custody and they require medical treatment, the department that is in custody of the person is responsible for their medical bills if they don't have insurance. I can't talk much about it because it is still an ongoing case, but last summer I arrested a man who had just committed a home invasion, attempted to kidnap the home owner, and then stole his car. I had a use of force on him because he was grabbing for his weapon (which it turns out had fallen out), and he ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks. He was in the hospital for so long because he had a blood disorder that he contracted in 1997 when he jumped in the river in Youngstown after running from their police department. He ended up getting a bone marrow transplant on our department. It's BULLSHIT, but that is how it goes.

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On a side note.... one of our fine officers in town here tazed a guy over the weekend and the Guy shit his pants. Parks might be able to confirm or deny. Lol

Always wondered why someone being tazed didn't bathroom in their pants. I guess it can happen...

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Unfortuneately, when officers take someone into custody and they require medical treatment, the department that is in custody of the person is responsible for their medical bills if they don't have insurance. I can't talk much about it because it is still an ongoing case, but last summer I arrested a man who had just committed a home invasion, attempted to kidnap the home owner, and then stole his car. I had a use of force on him because he was grabbing for his weapon (which it turns out had fallen out), and he ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks. He was in the hospital for so long because he had a blood disorder that he contracted in 1997 when he jumped in the river in Youngstown after running from their police department. He ended up getting a bone marrow transplant on our department. It's BULLSHIT, but that is how it goes.

A. Hopefully you weren't hurt/ injured in trying to catch the guy. B. I fucking hate theives with a passion :mad: . There are reasons I sleep next to a gun every night. If you are willing to risk the consequences of breaking in to my house ,I am not willing risk how far you will go to get what you want.

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Don't abuse drugs if you cant handle them or be an adult about it .....don't hit and run.....end of story. Sounds to me like the bitch finally got what she had coming to her, no sympathy is ever gonna come from me.

yea I'm not reading the rest of this thread because this is my thoughts exactly with a small addendum

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