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Open carry event (maybe)


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Ok, here is the deal. Tonight I hit McDonalds on the way home cuz Mrs. Tonik is going to be late. As I reach for the door I see the dreaded cpz sign. But this one is different. Gun with the 'no' circle over it and underneath it says 'No concealed weapons'.

So I am thinking about going there and open carrying.

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I have heard that open carry is legal but am hesitant to try it. Seem to remember hearing that depending on the situation, you could be arrested for "inciting panic". Anyone know for sure?

No you can't be. Inducing panic means you are doing something illegal. The simple act of open carrying is not inducing panic. Places like Cleveland have tried but the supreme court has been putting Cleveland back in its place

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Yeah you don't live near cleveland chebby. I would say it is a bad idea if not in a group of people who know their rights pretty well. A police officer that does not know the laws about open carry or concealed carry for that matter is the norm in cleveland. Most I have came across are not very up to date on the laws. If you plan to do it, it's your right to do so. Just make sure you have the time to research your rights and know them before you go playing cowboy.

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Ohio I'm confused on the law about open carry. Do you have to have a ccw to open carry?

No. But the second you enter your vehicle you had better be unloaded (including magazines) because a loaded weapon in a vehicle (even on a motorcycle) is considered concealed. If you have your CHL, you can enter the vehicle and be fine.

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Bad idea? Why is it a bad idea?

One guy openly carrying in a McDonald's is unlikely to change anything about it not being commonplace for people to openly carry weapons casually in Cleveland.

If I was at McDonald's and there was an average joe with an openly carried gun, I'd be on high alert. And for good reason - people just don't do that.

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No no license need to open carry in public. But you are not allowed to carry in a car or on a bike. Only in public where there is no sign posted. So yes you are allowed to walk down the street with a loaded gun in plain sight in a holster with no license of any kind.

Ok so what's the law about transporting with no ccw? I know to have it concealed in a car/bike you must have your ccw

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One guy openly carrying in a McDonald's is unlikely to change anything about it not being commonplace for people to openly carry weapons casually in Cleveland.

If I was at McDonald's and there was an average joe with an openly carried gun, I'd be on high alert. And for good reason - people just don't do that.

And how many times have you open carried or run into those open carrying? You think a bad guy is going to announce he has a gun? I've open carried and have changed the mind of quite a few and I was by myself.

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The one confusing part of certain "no guns allowed" signs it the small print at the bottom reads

" Unless otherwise authorized by law...."

Does having a CHL "authorize" you to carry?

(Disclaimer I am not a laywer), just curious, but i would interpret the CHL process of actually obtaining your license, makes you "authorized by law"?


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No there is no law that says ammo and gun must be separated.


(D) No person shall knowingly transport or have a firearm in a vessel unless it is unloaded and is carried in one of the following ways:

(1) In a closed package, box, or case;

(2) In plain sight with the action opened or the weapon stripped, or, if the firearm is of a type on which the action will not stay open or that cannot easily be stripped, in plain sight.

/* From another section */

(5) “Unloaded” means any of the following:

(a) No ammunition is in the firearm in question, and no ammunition is loaded into a magazine or speed loader that may be used with the firearm in question and that is located anywhere within the vehicle in question, without regard to where ammunition otherwise is located within the vehicle in question. For the purposes of division (K)(5)(a) of this section, ammunition held in stripper-clips or in en-bloc clips is not considered ammunition that is loaded into a magazine or speed loader.

Cops aren't lawyers. Most cops have the understanding, correct or not, that they should be separate. It's easy enough to do.

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The one confusing part of certain "no guns allowed" signs it the small print at the bottom reads

" Unless otherwise authorized by law...."

Does having a CHL "authorize" you to carry?

(Disclaimer I am not a laywer), just curious, but i would interpret the CHL process of actually obtaining your license, makes you "authorized by law"?


General consensus is the chl does not make you authorized. Can't recall if there is info on that or what...I'll have to dig.

I try not to carry ammo an gun in the same range bag. I will keep the case out on the seat and put thebag in the floorboard.

I'm not saying you can't, but that isn't a stipulation in the law. Couldn't hurt you to do that.

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