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Open carry event (maybe)


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Who the fuck takes pictures of themselves doing everyday stuff? Those who routinely carry don't ask people to take pics. That's kind of their point. It's routine. Where's a pic of lightbulb carrying concealed? Walking your dog? Taking out the trash? Jello porn with MT?

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I'll play ball. Here's a pic of me carrying concealed.

How about you post a pic of you actually accomplishing something that furthers our 2nd amendment rights. That is what this thread has been about. I am in a large group because that gets press, that reached into our own pockets to defend our, and your rights. And it in an amazing coincidence earlier today there was a final ruling on our case against Cleveland Heights. Our accomplishments are about to be front page news, and that news will impact your concealed carry rights throughout Ohio and finally make this individual cities toe the line on State Law.

Do you understand that if that pic had been in a CH park your ass could have been arrested without us doing what we did? Sure you would have beat it, 5 grand later in attorney fees that you would not have gotten back.

I can't believe you are mocking the people that have and are helping you.

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How about you post a pic of you actually accomplishing something that furthers our 2nd amendment rights. That is what this thread has been about. I am in a large group because that gets press, that reached into our own pockets to defend our, and your rights. And it in an amazing coincidence earlier today there was a final ruling on our case against Cleveland Heights. Our accomplishments are about to be front page news, and that news will impact your concealed carry rights throughout Ohio and finally make this individual cities toe the line on State Law.

Do you understand that if that pic had been in a CH park your ass could have been arrested without us doing what we did? Sure you would have beat it, 5 grand later in attorney fees that you would not have gotten back.

I can't believe you are mocking the people that have and are helping you.

I'm not mocking the demonstration. I'm calling out people who say they indiscriminately carry open when it's false. I think a demonstration like that is a good thing - it raises awareness - unlike one fool walking into a restaurant with a gun hanging off his hip.

You openly carrying a weapon into a place that says they don't want concealed weapons is you being an ass. Get that straight. If you don't like their policies, don't go there. Plain and simple.

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Tonik, I must have missed you in the crowd. Get some video of you open carrying solo in public. That's what this is about.

chevy, I must have missed you in the crowd. Get some video of you open carrying solo in public. That's what this is about.

That's not what you said. Now you change the parameters cuz you don't like the outcome? You wanted a pic. I gave you one.

I'll play ball. Here's a pic of me carrying concealed.

Its not video and you're not in public. You can't even follow your own standards. Plus why would I believe you're armed...cuz you say you are? Ask around, porter will vouch for me open carrying at Easton area at the fish store. You really are clueless....

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You openly carrying a weapon into a place that says they don't want concealed weapons is you being an ass. Get that straight. If you don't like their policies, don't go there. Plain and simple.

DING DING DING!!! we have a winner!! rep

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Somebody needs to make stickers that say that you showed up to patronize a business but due to their anti gun sign, you turned away and they lost your business.

The cards are a hassel because you have to disarm to go inside and give them the card. We could just plaster their door with stickers as we turn away........... they might get the message when they have to remove 20 stickers a day....

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You openly carrying a weapon into a place that says they don't want concealed weapons is you being an ass. Get that straight. If you don't like their policies, don't go there. Plain and simple.

Bullshit. The park in the video was posted until a few days before our protest. They took them down because they knew why we rented the park, and the lawsuit.

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How's this scenario? You walk in OC, tell the manager about the technicality, he tells you to leave, which you have to at this point, then he tells his manager about it. Sign is immediately changed to NO WEAPONS at all, owner then tells other business owners about some crazy gun guy and this technicality, then they all proceed to post up signs...

OR.. Disarm, politely ask to speak to manager politely informing him of stats and other evidence of why the sign should be taken down, and see what happens. Bet it'll get better results.

Both sound pretty possible...

Real men ride twins

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Did you already forget why you started this thread?

Ok, here is the deal. Tonight I hit McDonalds on the way home cuz Mrs. Tonik is going to be late. As I reach for the door I see the dreaded cpz sign. But this one is different. Gun with the 'no' circle over it and underneath it says 'No concealed weapons'.

So I am thinking about going there and open carrying.

Explain to them why you will no longer patronize their business. OFCC has cards to help you. Try to not carry a fucking gun in there to get your point across.

You make respectable gun owners look bad.

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Ok, here is the deal. Tonight I hit McDonalds on the way home cuz Mrs. Tonik is going to be late. As I reach for the door I see the dreaded cpz sign. But this one is different. Gun with the 'no' circle over it and underneath it says 'No concealed weapons'.

So I am thinking about going there and open carrying.

Eating McDonaldz is more dangerous than bad neighborhoods.

Really man, you seem somewhat intelligent why eat that shit?

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Did you miss this post or just fail to acknowledge?

That's not what you said. Now you change the parameters cuz you don't like the outcome? You wanted a pic. I gave you one.

Its not video and you're not in public. You can't even follow your own standards. Plus why would I believe you're armed...cuz you say you are? Ask around, porter will vouch for me open carrying at Easton area at the fish store. You really are clueless....

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Somebody needs to make stickers that say that you showed up to patronize a business but due to their anti gun sign, you turned away and they lost your business.

The cards are a hassel because you have to disarm to go inside and give them the card. We could just plaster their door with stickers as we turn away........... they might get the message when they have to remove 20 stickers a day....

I wonder if stickers would be legal? I don't use the cards. I call and write letters and emails.

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How's this scenario? You walk in OC, tell the manager about the technicality, he tells you to leave, which you have to at this point, then he tells his manager about it. Sign is immediately changed to NO WEAPONS at all, owner then tells other business owners about some crazy gun guy and this technicality, then they all proceed to post up signs...

OR.. Disarm, politely ask to speak to manager politely informing him of stats and other evidence of why the sign should be taken down, and see what happens. Bet it'll get better results.

Both sound pretty possible...

Real men ride twins

Assuming the sign says No CONCEALED firearms and doesn't say NO FIREARMS.

You forgot option 3.

Open carry into the restaurant, walk up to counter, be polite, lplace order, receive order, sit at table or booth (your choice), eat, cleanup after yourself, throw trash away, place tray in appropriate place, walk out. Preferably hold door for someone if possible.

Or is it not possible to obey the sign that allegedly reads No CONCEALED firearms and still carry?

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Oooh, I missed this. So I'll post another question that I am sure will go unanswered since lightbulb is good at that....

By morons, I mean the idiots hanging out around base showing off their weapons in a restaurant.

By "showing off" what do you mean? Were they brandishing or drawing attention to their sidearms? Or do you think "showing off" means they were carrying openly and going about their business and never once drew attention by doing anything out of the ordinary? I'm willing to bet it's the latter because you want to twist the facts around to suit your agenda.

Seems like to me is the idiots were the Sgt on duty and the police offices for not knowing the laws. How were the civilians following the laws morons?

Ding ding. The people were following the law therefore the ones that don't know the law but pretend or think they do, are the morons.

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If I was a business owner and came out to find static cling stickers on the front of my business, I'd be pissed. I'd rather you came to me personally instead of trying to "sneak one by me."

I don't think that's too good of an idea, not to mention possible legal repercussions for putting stuff on private property, and doubt OFCC would go for it. But, we'll see what OFCC says....

Edited by chevysoldier
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