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School shooting


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love, not guns, guys.

instead of an armed security detail (What is this? Iran?), they should have a hug detail. Teams of idyllic mother and father figures, armed only with fully automatic puppies and kittens, giving out head tussles, "atta-boy!"s and good old fashioned, warm sincere hugs.

Under their oh-so-soft cashmere sweater vests, they would have a couple of these, ready to jam into the temple of those who dare angst against the machine:


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This isn't a school problem, or a teacher problem. This was a premeditated shooting by a kid with a screw loose. You could post SWAT teams in every classroom and it wouldn't make any difference. If this kid wanted to shoot those spcific victims badly enough he could have done it in the parking lot before school, or any number of places.

Suggesting weapons training for teachers is missing the point. If you want teachers to take training how about recognizing and dealing with troubled kids.

ok now I understand where you're coming from and yes I absolutely 10000% agree.

I guess I just don't mind a teacher carrying as a defense in the case of the rampage kids that just start shooting anyone and everyone

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Arming teachers would be a disaster....

1. How many times have we heard that teachers are afraid of their kids so give them a gun so next time Billy says boo he gets shot.

thats a little extreme but still proves my point. Teachers who are afraid of kids are that way because they can't do a damn thing to discipline the little fuckers other than a stern reprimand and maybe a letter to a parent who likely sucks anyway and also isn't gonna do a damn thing to discipline the kid

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Home school would prevent this. I think there is no way to prevent every situation. Education is key, its only when something happens we see all the signs that could of prevented it. What I find is sad is we have not learned form the past school shootings. Some of these same signs were here and were over looked.

I am not defending anyone just a statement. I feel bad for all the families and kids involved.

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Just because there was an internet picture this time doesn't mean there will be one next time...

IMAGINE the law suits... Teachers are going to opt out every time, even if they have the training. "you shot my kid" = Multi million dollar law suits.

There are always signs.

Like the thousands of lawsuits on concealed carry participants for shooting innocent bystanders? :rolleyes:

You are right we should just arm the kids like you suggested twice in this thread. Post #7 and #34

Edited by kawi kid
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I guess I just don't understand your reasoning. I don't see why just because their profession is teacher they can't be proficient at handling a firearm

In the end its probably a moot point as like I said before, I really don't see there ever being a day where schools will allow to teachers to carry

90% of teachers are liberal pussies, M'kay, and to liberal pussies, guns are bad, M'kay!


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Probably not, life in prison maybe if he is tried as an adult. I look for an insanity plea.

This ^ just because his father was crazy. I hope this kid does get the death penalty, even though he wont. I don't want him eating up my tax dollars the rest of my life. Hell no.

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cruel and unusual punishment garbage needs to go away

stand the kid up in front of a brick wall at the school and line up the surviving victims and families of deceased victims and give em all shots at the fucker

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cruel and unusual punishment garbage needs to go away

stand the kid up in front of a brick wall at the school and line up the surviving victims and families of deceased victims and give em all shots at the fucker

I'm with you an eye for an eye if you can't handle the punishment then your pussy ass shouldn't have done the crime.

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