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School shooting


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being shot while committing the crime is different than condemning him to death. That's legitimately self-defense or defense of others.

I have no moral issue with that, because it logically stands to prevent greater harm. I don't see how executing him now prevents any potential harm.

I should clarify that I may even agree that he deserves to die; I just don't think we as a society should kill him.

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I personally believe that as a society we're way to easy on convicted felons.

Room and board...free.

Place to workout...free.

3 meals a day...free.

TV and games...free.

How's any of that punishment for the taking of a life regardless of how long their incarceration is.

If you're on death row it should be carried out in a timely manner. Not 6 years later.

Our justice system is not perfect and it never will be. It does work for a majority of the cases brought before it so stop letting people off so damn easy.

Eye for an eye, hand for a hand, life for a life. Society should wake the hell up real quick once they know the consequences are for fucking real.

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I personally believe that as a society we're way to easy on convicted felons.

Room and board...free.

Place to workout...free.

3 meals a day...free.

TV and games...free.

How's any of that punishment for the taking of a life regardless of how long their incarceration is.

If you're on death row it should be carried out in a timely manner. Not 6 years later.

Our justice system is not perfect and it never will be. It does work for a majority of the cases brought before it so stop letting people off so damn easy.

Eye for an eye, hand for a hand, life for a life. Society should wake the hell up real quick once they know the consequences are for fucking real.

I agree

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I personally believe that as a society we're way to easy on convicted felons.

Room and board...free.

Place to workout...free.

3 meals a day...free.

TV and games...free.

How's any of that punishment for the taking of a life regardless of how long their incarceration is.

If you're on death row it should be carried out in a timely manner. Not 6 years later.

Our justice system is not perfect and it never will be. It does work for a majority of the cases brought before it so stop letting people off so damn easy.

Eye for an eye, hand for a hand, life for a life. Society should wake the hell up real quick once they know the consequences are for fucking real.

+1, we have criminals on the street that prefer jail over living on the streets, and commit crimes so that they can go back once they get out. What does that say about our incarceration system? It's a joke.

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While I understand the hatred toward TJ Lane, I think it's highly hypocritical to wish death upon him.

TJ Lane hated a handful of classmates. As a result, he killed three of them and paralyzed one.

The only thing that separates monsters like him from the rest of civilized society is our restraint. We hate TJ Lane, therefore he deserves to die? Sounds a lot like his logic, and not very civilized at all.

Lock him up and don't let him out. Killing him doesn't bring anyone back, it just makes us as bad as he is. Besides, killing him would only end his suffering. I'd much rather he lives long enough to really grasp what he's done, and live with that kind of remorse. That's punishment. Killing him is just revenge.

I'm sure many of you will disagree.

Mark me down as one in the disagree colum.

There are plenty of people to hate but that doesn't rise to the level of putting them to death that would be uncivilized. This action is reserved for those that have intentionally caused death. Having the ability to distinguish between the two is what makes us civilized. I’m not interested in taking the time to see if he is intelligent enough to realize the impact of his actions or has any humanity in him to feel remorse. Revenge is reserved for a perceived wrong placed upon you in which you seek retribution for yourself. This is justice being sought against an absolute wrong and falsely accusing others of being uncivilized is insulting.

I don’t hate him but I think he should be extinguished. I have no guilt in that thought nor do I think it hypocritical. His deeds caused the cry for his death not hatred for him, had he not violated the lives of the families that suffer currently he wouldn’t be in the situation he finds himself. Actions have consequences and he knew that going in, I find it hypocritical to not follow through with the consequences leaving others to think they won’t have to pay if they destroy lives.

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I personally believe that as a society we're way to easy on convicted felons.

Room and board...free.

Place to workout...free.

3 meals a day...free.

TV and games...free.

How's any of that punishment for the taking of a life regardless of how long their incarceration is.

If you're on death row it should be carried out in a timely manner. Not 6 years later.

Our justice system is not perfect and it never will be. It does work for a majority of the cases brought before it so stop letting people off so damn easy.

Eye for an eye, hand for a hand, life for a life. Society should wake the hell up real quick once they know the consequences are for fucking real.

QFT and FTW. The "justice" system is a total joke, not trying to offend our future lawyers, but it is.

There isn't justice anymore, just people kicking it in prison spending my hard earned cash to keep them alive. I know ammo prices have gone up a lot lately, BUT it's still way cheaper to buy a nice round of .22 or .223 and just end all those on death row or who commited crimes like this, rape, etc the first go around instead of trying to "rehabilitate" them. Freaking joke.

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Our justice system is not perfect and it never will be.

How many innocent people executed is acceptable? Is it a set number per year...a percentage?

I am far from a liberal but our justice system is insanely broken. Letting off people that shouldn't be and convicting people that should be. Until that is fixed the death penalty isn't acceptable. I am very much in favor of the death penalty, but not in our current broken system.

Who here volunteers to be on the jury that sends someone to death and finds out after the execution that it was all a big mistake?

We are better than that. I refuse to believe otherwise.

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It's a far worse mistake to execute the innocent than to let the guilty go free. That was the basis of the legal system so many years ago. The system has been exploited and corrupted by many years of legal shenanigans.

In this case there is no doubt. TJ can be uninstalled.

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So the greater good does not out weight the extremely small probability of an innocent person being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death?

I'm the last person that wants to see someone wrongly accused be punished by death, honestly. But there is NO justice system in the entire universe that is 100% when it comes to convicting the right person(s).

We do not live in Candy Land and you have to recognize there will be an extremely small number of wrongly accused that will get punished. It's going to happen, it happens today, it will happen tomorrow, it will happen until time itself ends.

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So the greater good does not out weight the extremely small probability of an innocent person being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death?[/qutoe]

What if it is you, or a loved one of yours? Shit what if it is your child? Whoever that person is that is wrongly executed is someones child, or father or mother.

We do not live in Candy Land and you have to recognize there will be an extremely small number of wrongly accused that will get punished. It's going

Being wrongly executed isn't being wrongly 'punished', it is being murdered. Yes I recognize people will be wrongly convicted. If they are alive and in prison we can let them out and make restitution. If they are dead they are pretty much dead.

Protecting the rights of the innocent is paramount.

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So the greater good does not out weight the extremely small probability of an innocent person being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death?[/qutoe]

What if it is you, or a loved one of yours? Shit what if it is your child? Whoever that person is that is wrongly executed is someones child, or father or mother.

Being wrongly executed isn't being wrongly 'punished', it is being murdered. Yes I recognize people will be wrongly convicted. If they are alive and in prison we can let them out and make restitution. If they are dead they are pretty much dead.

Protecting the rights of the innocent is paramount.

First, I would extremely upset like anyone else would be or dead. Even true murderers are sons, daughters, moms and dads...that's doesn't mean anything (with all due respect).

Short of photographic proof of the person committing the felony that's been dated, signed by the felon and notarized you're assuming our justice system is fair and honest. Innocent until proven guilty is a complete falsification of how our justice system is. If that were the case innocent people would not be charged without concrete proof. All a prosecutor needs to do is plant the idea that an innocent person did something wrong and they're off to jail.

Since 1937 until now there have been 140+ death row convictions overturned (rough number). While this supports you stand against a "convict and carry out sentence immediately" stand point it also highlights the inability of our justice system to do it's job to the fullest and not simply pin a conviction on someone because of inside or outside pressures. Our justice system is not in the market to protect our innocents, they're in the market to make convictions stick regardless of whom they pin it on but it seems like they don't get it wrong very often.

Thousands of people sit on death row right now...only 43 people were executed in 2012. Of those thousands how many do you believe are innocent? How long are you willing to wait for an overturned conviction? How about doing away with the death penalty since it's such a tax burden and inhumane?

I'm probably going to get flamed for this but I'll type it anyway....I will take the unfortunate few who got caught in our fucked up system in return for a society which clearly gets the point that if you fuck up you will pay.

I could be right, I could be wrong. I can have my views changed given a civil discussion such as this.

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I'm not a fan of capital punishment' date=' unless there is zero shred of doubt about who committed the atrocity worthy of death. In this case, there is zero doubt. There should be zero appeal. There should be zero mercy. This is a confessed, witnessed and blatant murder case. This person should be erased... juvenile, or not.[/quote']

This /\ zero doubt just shoot the fucker.

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I'm not a fan of capital punishment' date=' unless there is zero shred of doubt about who committed the atrocity worthy of death. In this case, there is zero doubt. There should be zero appeal. There should be zero mercy. This is a confessed, witnessed and blatant murder case. This person should be erased... juvenile, or not.[/quote']

what makes that your call, or any of our call?

I still find it hypocritical to say "you shouldn't have killed those people, but we get to kill you." That's regardless of what you've done to deserve it.

It's like hitting your 3 yr old for hitting other kids on the playground. I can't get past the hypocrisy. The morality of it is much less unclear. I agree that the guy deserves to be punished severely. Three consecutive life sentences with no parole isn't severe enough for you? that IS a death sentence. Life's a terminal condition. Dying in jail is hardly a serene way to go.

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1. If you're caught with your dick in the pudding, and it is without a doubt, your dick, then you die!

2. If you're caught with pudding on your dick, but it can't be proven without a doubt, that your dick was in the pudding, then you get life.

Bottom line, keep your dick away from the pudding!

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I'm not a fan of capital punishment' date=' unless there is zero shred of doubt about who committed the atrocity worthy of death. In this case, there is zero doubt. There should be zero appeal. There should be zero mercy. This is a confessed, witnessed and blatant murder case. This person should be erased... juvenile, or not.[/quote']

Killing shouldn't be the gov's job. This shouldn't of gone to trial. The teachers admins ect of the school should have been legally allowed to defend themselves and the threat should have been neutralized on site.

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Our justice system is not in the market to protect our innocents, they're in the market to make convictions stick regardless of whom they pin it on but it seems like they don't get it wrong very often.

I couldn't disagree with this more. Our justice system is in the business of delivering justice. Fair and equal for all.

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Killing shouldn't be the gov's job. This shouldn't of gone to trial. The teachers admins ect of the school should have been legally allowed to defend themselves and the threat should have been neutralized on site.

that's not an answer for what to do NOW.

Carrying in schools is a totally different issue. To the best of my knowledge, the only places in America free of gun violence are prisons. We can turn our schools into prisons, but that costs us far more than just money to equip and train personnel.

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