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Ohio Motorcyclists for 2 Minte Red Light Rule


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The topic of the two minute red light rule has been discussed here numerous times. Most recently:



Let's see how many people we can get interested in this by sharing the Facebook page and spreading the word.

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I liked it, but also stated that this is only a second best solution. I would rather see all the controlling authorities go out and reset their sensitiveness on the loops. Then we wouldn't need the law.

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I liked it, but also stated that this is only a second best solution. I would rather see all the controlling authorities go out and reset their sensitiveness on the loops. Then we wouldn't need the law.

After how many years they've been this way, I don't see a large scale change coming in that department.

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Friend on FB said this

They should just make it so that all of the redlights change after 2 minutes. There will be tons of abuse if cops can only ask "did you wait for two minutes?" and to counter that, they will use that as an excuse to throw in more cameras and traps.
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After how many years they've been this way, I don't see a large scale change coming in that department.

That is because no one has gone to the state legislation with a bill requiring it to be done on all existing loops and on all future ones. I have had it done on specific ones by complaining to the city traffic dept.

Instead we get stupid legislators trying to get a bill to outlaw hidden compartments in vehicles. Can you imagine getting stopped for speeding and then getting arrested for a factory installed hidden compartment in your vehicle? DUH ! Where do we find these geniuses?

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You guys are determined to fuck this shit up for me. I like the signals that don't work; I wish none of them recognized a motorcycle. I pull up to them and go about my way. Way more efficient than waiting for the whole sequence to happen. Now you fuckheads want me to wait two damn minutes. What a waste of my time. Can't you please leave shit alone?

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You guys are determined to fuck this shit up for me. I like the signals that don't work; I wish none of them recognized a motorcycle. I pull up to them and go about my way. Way more efficient than waiting for the whole sequence to happen. Now you fuckheads want me to wait two damn minutes. What a waste of my time. Can't you please leave shit alone?


Yeah. When i pull up i just assume the light doesn't work. I treat em all like a 4 way.

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Liked. Even if Todd bitches about it for a month.

Did you come out of your hiatus just to give me shit?

I will bitch for more than a month if you guys mess up the good thing we have going now. Leave this shit alone guys we have it good now the more oversight you invite the worse it will be. As it is now it’s a stop and go if signals don’t work who wants to wait two damn minutes when the whole situation can be done in three seconds. I just don’t understand why you guys want to wait longer. I am never inconvenienced by lights when riding by myself.

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Remember to just hop off the bike and walk it across if there is a red light camera. Currently I will NOT even turn right at a light with a camera because the burden of proof is upon the driver to prove your innocent. I also jam on the brakes at yellow lights to try and get rear ended so I can sue for whip lash and claim the threat of the camera as a reason. Later I will start throwing burning tires on the cameras. :lol:

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