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Ohio Riders Dyno Day - 4/5/08

DTM Brian

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whoa, whoa, whoa! anything looks gay on top of a leopard print! I can't believe you were hatin on my shoes :nono:

Hey now I wasn't the ONLY one teasing you. We were all just wondering if you had a chance to look in the mirror b/f you left. HeHe. j/k. As I said b/f if you were in somewhere like LA you'd fit right in. There's NOTHING wrong with being a bit metro-sexual.

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there is when your around a bunch of non metro guys and a bike dyno day:p

I know that he wasn't there to pick up anyone b/c he is married BUT a few of u single guys could take a few pointers from men that do dress fashionably, keep their fingernails clean/groomed, and sport a nice haircut. "Most" women like that. Plus, he wasn't on a bike. Had I not rode I would not have had those clothes on. That's my 2 cents anyway.

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So in other words look like homos or women. Thanks but NO thanks.

Are you freakin serious??? So there is something wrong with hygiene? Metro-sexual men are men through and through. IF people would get out of corn country (oh I mean ohio) they would see there is another world out there beyond judgement. I was simply teasing Whodey about his shoes. They weren't that bad actually. Another region of this country and NOBODY would have said a word.

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I think you might be taking this a bit more seriously than it needs to be. Whodey knows several people on this board and their relationships go beyond a couple of posts. He is just getting his balls busted, it happens all of the time, that is what guys do to each other.

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I think you might be taking this a bit more seriously than it needs to be. Whodey knows several people on this board and their relationships go beyond a couple of posts. He is just getting his balls busted, it happens all of the time, that is what guys do to each other.

Oh no...I know. I'm pretty good at reading people. I know he wasn't offended. That's why I put that pic up of those type of shoes he was wearing. In regards to the "other" guy...I was making a simple statement about preferences is all. That last guy just has some underlying issues is all. I'm DONE with this post but I'm sure there will be more people hiding behind keyboards making remarks. ;)

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I like WhoDey! I thought he was a cool cat to talk to Saturday. Made me laugh too. If you make me laugh, you're alright in my book. :) I didn't even care what shoes he was wearing. I was more worried about how gay Kevin looked with his jeans tucked in his boots...:lol:

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I like WhoDey! I thought he was a cool cat to talk to Saturday. Made me laugh too. If you make me laugh, you're alright in my book. :) I didn't even care what shoes he was wearing. I was more worried about how gay Kevin looked with his jeans tucked in his boots...:lol:

+1 but if he is gay, he is still cool in my book :D

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I have no problems with Whodey or homosexuals.Not that he is one.I don't care one way or another.I was disagreeing with Prat statement that his wardrobe was typical of Cali.I have no problem with people following fashion trends but there is a time and place for it.Looking clean and nice is always good but wearing white shoes and white sweatshirt is out of place in a garage.

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WTF, enough about WhoDey's shoes. Who knows where he was coming from or going to. About the grooming statement. If we knew PrincessPratt would be there we would have all got a hair cut and a manicure. :roll:

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I dont know anything about Ducati's, but are you saying the clutch is EXPOSED to where shit can get caught in it?? How come you don't have a cover?:confused: I honestly don't know.

Ducati's have a dry clutch. The clutch is not immersed in oil and on the outside of the engine. The cover needs to be partially open to keep the clutch cool.

I'm sure the Duck riders will add/correct anything i missed.

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