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"Riding Styles"


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I was gunna invite you to be part of my special bike club. In my club no 2 people will ride the same type/brand of motorcycle, i.e. no one else with a ninja 250r can join, but a cbr 250 or a ninja 500 can join, but once a type/brand is taken that spot is permantly filled. Also we only wear our birthday suits and sunglasses while riding. Your loss buddy...

you can always get Ringo ;) He's a XX rider as well

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Yes, there is an exorbitant amount of trolling on this site, most of it is good natured. My bike until yesterday was a 1983 Honda Nighthawk and everyone on this site treated me the same as the next guy. I had volunteers when I needed help working on it or had questions. No one laughed at me because I was on a 30 year old cruiser.

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I had the best of both world cruiser body sport engine but it was just too slow for my fat ass so I upgraded. The people I ride most with aren't on this forum but they ride a street glide, street bob, and a shadow. I'm referred to as fantastic plastic :D

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Finally, its not WHAT YOU RIDE that gets you run off...its attitude and how you react to things. If you wanna turn into online macho man with a bad attitude asking about how to defend yourself when the big bad government won't let you have a gun then you're probably not gonna last

ftfy :D

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LMFAO - that's exactly one of the things that I'm saying isn't cool! LOL!!

Grow a pair and be a man? I have little to no sympathy for people who need ther hand held through life. This PC stuff can kiss my ass. Don't even get me started on why people wih this attitude think everyone should get a trophy. Well in REAL life there are winners an losers. Pick a side and Deal with it

As my Dad ha always told me: if you can't take the heat get out of the fucking fire

Edited by Bad324
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Lies, all lies, 29 year old bikes still get respect :) if you would of kept it for 1 more year you would of been on the wall of shame. I know all my buddies that DONT own a bike crack on me for the 25. I just tell em atleast I got a bike and tey dont. I ride what I want to ride, not what others want me to ride and thats all that matters to me. There is no need to impress anyone, hell I had a GREAT offer on a HD, but I dont like HDs personally. I dont mind others riding em, just just not my cup of tea. I prefer rockets. Not to say I wont change my mind down the road, but for now I cant see myself owning anything but a rocket, and no I dont have any interest in a bigger rocket either. But people change, and like I said as long as ur happy with what u have who gives a crap if someone else doesnt like it, they aint gotta ride it.

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Grow a pair and be a man? I have little to no sympathy for people who need ther hand held through life. This PC stuff can kiss my ass. Don't even get me started on why people wih this attitude think everyone should get a trophy. Well in REAL life there are winners an losers. Pick a side and Deal with it

As my Dad ha always told me: if you can't take the heat get out of the fucking fire

Oh, Jesus - there comes the macho thing I read about. Nothing to do with being PC, or a man, or any of that. I proved all that in the Marine Corps. But, point taken. You, my friend, are a real man because you cursed me out. Thanks.

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MC was tough? You dont say, you just do what your told, how hard can that be?

Hehehe. As my good friend described his time in Marine Corps boot camp, "Mother fucker tells me to run, I run. That's how I made it!".

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Hehehe. As my good friend described his time in Marine Corps boot camp, "Mother fucker tells me to run, I run. That's how I made it!".

Aint that the truth, marines do too much running for me so I took the easy way out and joined the army lol... Although I still regret not picking the cheerforce as my first option and now the cheerforce wont take me cuz im prior service, such bullshit...

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There is no "Cruising" section because nobody has asked for it. Generally, cruising doesn't have anything specific to it to talk about. There are many people who "just cruise" on sportbikes and don't fit into any of those categories listed under riding styles. The riding styles are specific. There isn't a sportbike specific area either (track days can be done on any bike). Cruising is just riding. That goes in the Daily Ride forum generally.

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There is no "Cruising" section because nobody has asked for it. Generally, cruising doesn't have anything specific to it to talk about. There are many people who "just cruise" on sportbikes and don't fit into any of those categories listed under riding styles. The riding styles are specific. There isn't a sportbike specific area either (track days can be done on any bike). Cruising is just riding. That goes in the Daily Ride forum generally.

No, no, no, ur all wrong. I tried saying that in my first post and in my second post and I was totally off base...

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I'm curious to know if Mr Shadyflyer is of the age group that typifies the mentality of "everything has to be fair and equal"

If so I'd further understand where he is coming from in his views. Would explain every thing to me. Please don't construe this as negative, mean or demonstrative as its a serious curiousity to me

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I'm curious to know if Mr Shadyflyer is of the age group that typifies the mentality of "everything has to be fair and equal"

If so I'd further understand where he is coming from in his views. Would explain every thing to me

No, not of that age at all. I'm a 37 year-old veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. I served for 8 years. I enlisted in California, and I was in boot camp 4 days after high school graduation, because I had no place to live. I served, got out, and put myself through college. I put myself through flight school, and held a variety of reaaalllly shitty flying jobs before I started flying for an airline.

So, yeah, I know not everything is fair and equal. I never even said I thought it should be.

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Define "cruising".

Is it riding slow? People on sportbikes do that.

Is it riding cruisers? People take them to track days and stunt with them.

Is it riding in a formation? Well, ok, that might actually be specific enough...but it's not something you'd need a whole forum for.

Is it riding in vests with patches on them? That would fall under gear I'd guess...you know, latest in embroidery technology and which side of the chap goes out...etc.

I guess I don't understand the term to begin with. How is it different from just riding your bike?

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I'm curious to know if Mr Shadyflyer is of the age group that typifies the mentality of "everything has to be fair and equal"

If so I'd further understand where he is coming from in his views. Would explain every thing to me. Please don't construe this as negative, mean or demonstrative as its a serious curiousity to me

What age group might that be?

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What age group might that be?

Stereotypically speaking I've found it to be youth born after '94 and the generation of parents to those kids so say 35-50. Again it's a blanked stereotype and I'm aware that it doesn't mean every single person is. I go based on attitudes and actions

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