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Listen music with in-ear buds when riding?


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I listen to music through my intercom speakers when I'm commuting 1-up. It's 40 mins each way and most of it is just me, few other cars. I can turn the music off easily - my radio sits in the map pocket of my tank bag and has big glove-friendly buttons that I can press through the clear plastic.

I also wear ear plugs because I've no desire to lose my hearing. Last hearing check I got put me above average hearing both ears and I'd prefer it to stay that way. With my cruiser a 40min commute would leave my ears ringing, and more than an hour would leave me with a headache from the noise. Plugs is the way to go for me.

Even with ear plugs in I can still hear the tires on the car next to me, so I say I can hear just fine. I have no problem hearing honks/sirens/cars around me.

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I have a slightly different philosophy when it comes to riding. I go faster than everyone, that way everything is coming at me from the front, where I am looking. I do glance over my shoulder and check my mirror when switching lanes and such but mostly keep an eye on the road ahead. Of you go faster than traffic there should always be plenty of room between you and the guy behind you when you have to stop.

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I have a slightly different philosophy when it comes to riding. I go faster than everyone, that way everything is coming at me from the front, where I am looking. I do glance over my shoulder and check my mirror when switching lanes and such but mostly keep an eye on the road ahead. Of you go faster than traffic there should always be plenty of room between you and the guy behind you when you have to stop.

There's always someone faster. I got passed by a car while doing 70 in 45. Wasn't watching my mirrors at that time so when he appeared to my left he freaked me out a bit.

Turns out it was the same car I passed about two miles earlier and he had some dick thing going where he had to regain his masculinity. He had to chase me down and pass me again. Some nasty rusted old 80's Olsdmobile with headliner flapping the breeze.

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If its illegal, how is that Goldwings and the like are factory outfitted with onboard in-ear audio connections for radio, gps, communication, etc?:dunno:

Sometimes I dont understand our laws when it comes to dealers vs consumers. Its perfectly legal to manufacture and sell, but illegal to use. Just like fireworks that 70% of my neighbors are illegally using right now.......guess people choose to take chances when they want to even though the local fire dept will be probably be working around the clock tonight to extinguish brainless results of lawbreakers poor decisions to set ablaze the crisp, crunchy, hayfields called lawns right now. Even a sparkler would ignite a house in these conditions:nono:

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I listen to music with in ear buds, I just keep it lower so I can still hear the engine or sirens. Unfortunately they don't block out all the wind noise which sucks. If I don't listen to music I keep a pack of ear plugs stored on the bike. Like Papa said, I don't care if it's illegal my hearing is bad enough as it is and I'm not going to contribute to it more than I have to. And I use my eyes way more than my ears when I'm driving anyway.

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I use my in-helmet speakers (Scala TeamSet pro) for handsfree phone too, so speakers on the handlebars won't work.

how does the teamset pro work for you? I heard they don't stream MP3 from phone, just calls... how is the clarity?

I'm looking at getting a set for me and backpack, and for me to take quick calls ICE while riding. (for example during group rides I can take calls from sweep, or synch to their headset to let the leader know someone is down or behind...)

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