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Ohio State University Police


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Below is all I know about it. Short version, dude goes to a Trayvon rally with an empty holster in plain sight. People around him don't take it to well and call the cops. Detain him for 30 minutes, let him go and forward it to Committee of Academic Misconduct for further review.

I do get the feeling he was kind of there to cause a scene. But that is just my opinion.


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  jagr said:
Yeah. I know the guy. A few here do. He is also the organizer of OSUs Buckeyes for concealed carry. I can tell you he is not an instigator.

This. To someone who is easily afraid, at first glance he can appear to be a little scary but however he is nowhere near an instigator.

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It was only in plain sight for the photograph used in the article in the Columbus dispatch. His shirt coverered the holster during the time I was with him, just before this event.

The event was not about trevon, it was about racial intolerance. That night there was no tolerance for a white man with a beard

He was not there to cause trouble or support either side but to express that he wished that people would let the law do its job and save judgement for a time when all of the evidence was presented.

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  shittygsxr said:
It was only in plain sight for the photograph used in the article in the Columbus dispatch. His shirt coverered the holster during the time I was with him, just before this event.

The event was not about trevon, it was about racial intolerance. That night there was no tolerance for a white man with a beard

He was not there to cause trouble or support either side but to express that he wished that people would let the law do its job and save judgement for a time when all of the evidence was presented.

This should be interesting. I wonder how this turns out.

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  Casper said:
This should be interesting. I wonder how this turns out.

I am not sure which one of the eight units dispatched that jst2fst had the pleasure of speaking to but I am sure they are all nice guys.

I am eagerly awaiting the 911 audio, if it is as described I truly hope that the OSUPD takes proper action against those who filed the report

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  shittygsxr said:
I am not sure which one of the eight units dispatched that jst2fst had the pleasure of speaking to but I am sure they are all nice guys.

I am eagerly awaiting the 911 audio, if it is as described I truly hope that the OSUPD takes proper action against those who filed the report

We were listening to the dispatcher calls at work as it was happening. As soon as I heard it I was texting mike then the "oh shit it is him" set in. It is a shitty situation that is only going to get worse. Again he is not an instigator. Probably one of the nicest people any one can have the pleasure of meeting.

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The audio on the vid said someone called and said someone had a firearm on them that's why they came. All witnesses were inside of the library just some of the audio I got. Shitty the cop talking the one I've spoken to cool guy.

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  Jst2fst said:
It's a protest thing for ccw on collage campuses you're suppose to wear an empty holster in support. Buckeyes for Conceal Carry was part of that for carry on campus.

There is a time and a place for everything, but this vigil was neither the time nor the place for a carry protest. I fully support carry, I will remind everyone that I was part of the Cleveland Heights protest, I was on the news and helped fund that lawsuit. This is not good press, it is not going to further the cause at all.

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  Tonik said:
There is a time and a place for everything, but this vigil was neither the time nor the place for a carry protest. I fully support carry, I will remind everyone that I was part of the Cleveland Heights protest, I was on the news and helped fund that lawsuit. This is not good press, it is not going to further the cause at all.

It was a week long nation wide protest that had absolutly nothing to do with the vigil or the events.

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  shittygsxr said:
It was only in plain sight for the photograph used in the article in the Columbus dispatch. His shirt coverered the holster during the time I was with him, just before this event.

Which was it? An open display of the holster as part of a week long protest or it was concealed and people just picked him to call the cops and say 'man with a gun'? Not giving you a hard time, it is an honest question.

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  shittygsxr said:

The event was not about trevon, it was about racial intolerance. That night there was no tolerance for a white man with a beard

I have a really hard time growing a beard. Would I have been OK? Maybe not since my Mexican heritage is what keeps me from growing in a full man beard. :(

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  Tonik said:
Which was it? An open display of the holster as part of a week long protest or it was concealed and people just picked him to call the cops and say 'man with a gun'? Not giving you a hard time, it is an honest question.

I wasn't at the event but I am gathering some of the details.

There was a week long open holster protest and the holster in question was an outside the waistband holster so it was not intended to be concealed. Whether it was 100% visible or not, I can not answer. The call to 911 was not an of an inquisitive nature.

A crowd of 200 would have dispersed if a gun was present. The 911 call was malicious and false

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  RVTPilot said:
I have a really hard time growing a beard. Would I have been OK? Maybe not since my Mexican heritage is what keeps me from growing in a full man beard. :(

Remind me again what Mexican is considered?

Light Green or Dark Green?

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  shittygsxr said:
I wasn't at the event but I am gathering some of the details.

There was a week long open holster protest and the holster in question was an outside the waistband holster so it was not intended to be concealed. Whether it was 100% visible or not, I can not answer. The call to 911 was not an of an inquisitive nature.

A crowd of 200 would have dispersed if a gun was present. The 911 call was malicious and false

So who's gonn get flack for the call to 911?

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Not too surprised unfortunately; OSU is not known for its tolerance to the idea of students concealed carrying. I do hope the media doesn't get a hold of this story and put an anti-gun spin on it and that the facts of the event are cleared up

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