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Wind speed and riding?


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I've done 30 mph winds. It is a common "thingy". Don't sweat it. Lean into the wind, keep your grip loose on the bars and let the bike do what it needs to do. By all means, don't white knuckle it. If it helps mentally, adjust your position within your lane. When I first started riding I had this fear of being pushed into a car in the lane next to me by a blast of wind. I would stay a little more to the right or left of my lane as an added cushion of space. I don't even know when I quit thinking about it.

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I've done 40+ mph winds just lean into the wind you'll be fine after a couple times you won't even think about it.

I'm not a huge fan of wind and won't go out if its really windy. Im ok with moderate wind.

I've rode in strong wind before, and while you do have to lean into it, be prepared for sudden changes

such as the wind stopping. Cause if you're leaned into it and it stops, well now you've just suddenly changed lanes :p

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It gets really windy out here like constant wind of 20mph and gust in the 40mph range. Last Wednesday I took my dual sport out and it was fine when I got into the mountains. But.when I got to the far side of the trail I was low on gas so I headed towards the interstate. I rode that 60 miles home and out here the speed limit is 75 so you've gotta run 85 ish to keep from getting run over. So I was riding basically a dirt bike down the highway with it leaned over like I was trying to turn hard left. In my experience the lighter the bike the worse it is in the wind. That klx felt like it was going to blow out from under me in the gusts of wind. But I've never let wind stop me from enjoying a ride. What you've gotta watch out for is those dust devils or mini tornadoes. Those will throw you suddenly one way and you lean hard into it then you beak into the other side and your already leaning the direction its blowing and you go that way pretty quick.

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The bike will automatically lean into the wind as required be it gusts or steady winds. The problem usually comes from interference from the rider who is nervous because of the wind & keeping too tight of grip on the bars. Some will tell you that you need an 800 lb SUV of a motorcycle to fight the wind when all you need is a light touch on the bars. No fight necessary. I've ridden in some pretty fierce gusts with no problems using this method.l

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Been thrown into other lane before out in the country with open fields on both sides. Had very strong winds pushing on my right side, then it let off for a second, then BLASTED me fierce before it became steady again. I started laughing because I couldn't believe how it just blew me like a rag doll.

Funny thing about wind...it's unpredictable. Not always does it have a set direction or steady control of it's speed.

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Was how safe is it to ride with high speed wind prediction? For eg tomorrow they say it might be around 20mph wind, how much of windy condition you guys ventured out ?
20MPH is basically nothing to worry about. Actually will be a good training aid for you. What all these guys said is true----that you lean into the wind. What you should know is you don't try and lean the bike---you countersteer and the bike will lean automatically. Hence the stronger the wind--the more countersteer--the more lean. Remember what I told you--work on your countersteering and finally it will be second nature. Now wind gusts are another animal. A quick countersteer is needed to stay in your lane. Try to do by just leaning----------------Ditch City.
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Just slow down as the wind speed picks up. Worst case is a tail wind when you go into a turn. You might not realize it's there, and when you turn, it's now a side wind trying to push you off the road, and it can do that if you're going into that turn hot.

Fair warning. It happens.

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thx for the advices guys, will try to go out a bit tomorrow try some stuff, the problem is like others said the unpredictable nature...get used to one type and bam another gust another direction.. been out once with heavy gust prediction and it just pushed me off crazy,

since that never went out when it was more than 15 mph outside

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