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Letters from an angry neighbor


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If you don't like noise move outta the city. I've got straight pipes on my bike. Yes its mainly to be an asshole to the snowbirds that come down here in their monster RV's and drive 10 miles under the speed limit and swerve all over the road.

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If he has loud pipes on the bike then just put a legal exhaust on the bike and go about your business. Don't stop riding, but don't keep waking him up either.

He knows where the guy lives, just go talk to him. No sense in having such a bad relationship with someone who lives so close.

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Good letter. I appreciate the dudes calm response. To bad it did help. Since I'm a newb and can't start a tread here is my favorite neighbor letter: http://www.happyplace.com/3644/note-from-black-dude-who-heard-all-your-racism

Best letter of all time. I only wish there was a response posted.

That one's pretty good!!!

Never did get the straight pipe thing myself, just reminds me of the South Park Harley episode. One of them just rode by, doing 5-10 under the speed limit, rattled the china cabinet, and almost put his bike onto the tree lawn at 5mph going around the corner :wtf:...

With all the whackos, NIMBYs and fear mongerers looking to legislate away that last bit of freedom we have, a bit of common sense and consideration can help.

That goes for both sides, obviously, don't move next to an airport or RR track that's been there for 50 years and bitch about the noise...

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Respect your neighbors, or go move out in the fucking country. And there are plenty of aftermarket exhausts out there that are not obnoxious, some riders are giving the rest of us a bad reputation.

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I have an FBF something or other on my Duc with the 996 mid-pipe and header - nothing obnoxious and only loud if I really get on it.

About the only obnoxious "noise" it makes is the requisite and annoying backfiring at low speed.

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Derek, your clatter-box of a dry clutch is far louder than your pipes. Fix that thing! They make pressure plate kits to eliminate that noise.

I know but I like it! :D

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Just youtube'd thunderheaders.


I'd sugar the gas tank on that thing if I had to hear it for a week straight. That does go beyond normal obnoxious "Harley loud," straight to "now you're trying to compensate for something" loud.

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I've got 2-3 regular Harley assholes with "seemingly" straight pipes that come down my street all summer and they all do the same thing. ride 40 in a 25 without up-shifting and blip their throttles when they come to a stop. They are cunts of the highest order.

I say all that while owning an enormous V-Twin cruiser with a stock pip that'll smoke all of them all day. :D

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My old bike had straight pipes but when ever I went through a more populated area at 5am I would try my best to get up to 6th so as to keep it quiet in the 35mph areas. I rarely ever rev when slowing down or at the stop lights.

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Have to agree with Pokey. I suspect most of the loud bikes are bar bikes. These guys are saying 'look at me!' What a bunch of posers.

I've got straight pipes and I ride a lot. Doubt I could be considered a poser.

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Me gusta. How is that going to hold up valve wise? Do you think they are going to bend or anything?

The exhaust valves may burn up if I don't get it tuned soon but I've got a power commander to install on it.

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