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new less restrictive laws passed


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I see allot of people who are not properly qualified/trained to drive or ride a motorcycle, they should all be banned until proper qualifications and certifications are met.

Kind of like people without motorcycles shouldn't be allowed to posted on a motorcycle forum? :lol:

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I believe that study ended up showing chl holders were statically lower than cops and teachers to commit criminal acts.

I totally believe this, with there being a decent number of LEO's that act as though they're above the law. (Not judging anyone specific, but I HAVE seen this happen!)

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:lol: OH THE IRONY!!

Not as easy as it sounds, have you ever tried ripping off a moving belt?

Yup, but you forgot 1 huge factor... Remain calm, it's too easy to forget the steps if you panic. I have seen plenty of guys crack under pressure and forget simple things like SPORTS and SLAP.

Have you ever served? again don't believe the media if your a civilian. Alot of shit goes on that you will never ever see or hear about...

Your and you're... One is possessive and one means you are.... I don't see where I confused the two?

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I just wanted to quote this beauty again. Also, look at the first word. :D

Your right, I have no clue what im talking about. I never saw someone accidentally shoot someone else or themselves, I never saw a weapon neglecting discharged, I never saw a barrel melt, I never saw a weapon accidentally rapid fire on a belt fed machine gun. Hell, I've never even shot a weapon before, I have no clue about guns, I've never even seen one in person.

People are perfect, everyone that owns a gun knows and utilizes all their knowledge of said weapon every single time they handle one. No one has ever done something stupid on accident because they didn't know what they were doing, if they did something wrong it was on purpose.

Exarch is a complete fucktard and has no business stating his opinion, everything he sais is a lie and I think every Dick, Hairy, and Sally out there knows exactly what to do, fuck training, just let them learn as they go.

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I just wanted to quote this beauty again. Also, look at the first word. :D

=/ you got me, im lazy

I see allot of people who are not properly qualified/trained to drive or ride a motorcycle, so they should all be banned until proper qualifications and certifications are met.:rolleyes: Yes many people lack common sense, but I have yet to meet anybody that isn't aware that a gun could "potentially" be lethal in the wrong hands. Owners need to be responsible first and foremost, realize it is an instrument of death if used incorrectly or disrespected. There are always gonna be a minority of gun owners that are gonna fuck up in some way, that includes not being responsible for keeping the guns out of unattended kids access. I fail to see how a gun is more dangerous than many things in the home which we take for granted each day. Guns are not dangerous, people are careless/dangerous and always have been. The number of guns in households in this country is unparalleled anywhere in the world, which is a big reason why this country would be almost impossible to invade. I used to be one that thought mandatory training/qualifying for a universal carry should be utilized, I have since used my common sense and see that is unnecessary and futile. Sure folks are still gonna fuck up, even those that are experienced.....shit sometimes just happens. But I can assure you of one thing, I believe there are many more responsible gun owners than not. Tragedy's are going to continue to happen no matter what we try to do, that is just how things work. YOU CANNOT FIX STUPID!!!!!

I do agree here, but too many people fuck it up for the rest of us to the point where safety training needs to be mandatory. It's a real shame, but hey, I have that military mentality of it only takes one person to fuck it up for everyone else. This is why I preach safety and hold true to my beliefs.

Marines is the short bus for the navy right? :dunno:

Yes and the Navy seals are the only cool branch in the navy, oh wait the seals are trained by the army :lol: dont believe me? Do some research.

"Between 2007 and 2009, law enforcement agencies reported 36,318 criminal incidents in which a gun was present. About 7.6 percent of the cases involved a concealed carrier."

I wonder if that means 7.6 percent were the BG, or 7.6 percent were just involved in a criminal incident (and used a CCW to defend themselves, etc)

NoBama 2012

After reading that article I would assume self defense would not be included, considering self defense is legal :dunno:

So disappointed in this thread. I thought I might actually get to read about new gun laws and actual facts. 2 pages of nothing but exarch post whoring

NoBama 2012

nope, just the first post :lol:

Yes, I am currently AD enlisted. I don't believe everything in the media. I hear all!

Well, then you know where I'm coming from and the type of people enlisted.

Is safety not one of the most pushed topics?

Btw, if I ever have to sit through another fucking suicide prevention class I will literally blow my fucking brains out :lol:

I have been trying to stay away from posting in this thread, it has enough stupid that it doesn't need me but this is so interesting I need to learn more.

When you say melt do you mean it turns into a liquid pile of mush? no, lol... By melt I mean warp, but you already knew that...

Will a hot barrel cause a cook-off? What do you do with a jammed gun that is hot with rounds in it? possibly, but not always. Depends on the situation really and what your definition of hot is.

We need to know these things and be trained so we can carry a magazine feed 33 round sidearm for self defense. I see your point and wish the rest of these dumbfucks would shut up long enough to learn something.


I don't even think its legal to Carry an extended clip :dunno: I know the ranges I go to don't even allow them :dunno:

I'm pretty sure you were being sarcastic, but meh.

Not really a huge factor as I am pretty calm under pressure, and I would have sense about me to keep it pointed in a safe direction. End of story. Eventually it runs out of ammo!

Oh ya, of course your gunna keep it down range. I didn't mean it like that, I meant as far as breaking off the rounds. Some drums can hold an obscene amount of rounds and if the situation isnt handled properly pointing it down range isn't the only safety issue to worry about. What do you think will happen when the barrel gets warped and its still shooting rounds down range though. Thats a bad day right there, but thats a rare case. I've never handled a belt of more than 1,000 rounds and I've only seen a run away 2x personally.

I usually swap bout barrels every 250 or so rounds, only takes a few seconds to do on a machine gun. Man, I miss playing with those things :(

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I am not 100% if all of these passed, there should be something on the news tonight about this though. I couldn't find anything else online otherwise I would have posted more links.

I predict alot more 'neglect discharges' though depending on how this pans out. I don't see how they can even begin to think about getting rid of mandatory classes, thats a huge safety issue.

The purpose of the CHL course is to educate people about the laws surrounding carrying a weapon and when you are allowed to use deadly force. It is very important to know when you are legal to draw and when you are legal to use deadly force.

The firing portion of the CHL classes seem to be just to see if you can hit a silhouette at 10 feet. That tells you the user can find the trigger and point the weapon.

IMO there is a decent percentage of people that carry as a security blanket, and would draw but lack the resolve to pull the trigger (Not even including the idiots that carry to be cool) when their/others lives are on the line.

In addition to the laws being covered, I would like to see the CHL process change to incorporate psychological evaluation and resilience to ensure those carrying truly possess the ability to make a split-second decision that will save a life, but take one as well.

Of course along with that the requirements for the range would be increased as well. The range should test the shooter in all aspects. Normal range shooting would still be included. In addition to that, the shooter should be starting with a holstered weapon and be placed in a situation where they are moving and they have to identify the threat and react to it without endangering any bystanders. This should also involve situations where the appropriate response is to break contact.

These extra steps would produce license holders that really will be assets in situations where a CCW is useful. It hopefully would also allow the removal of restricted zones due to the higher level of training.

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