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My buddies and I shoot trap all the time out at my parents' property. It is a really good time.

I hear the learning curve for shooting trap, especially double trap is pretty steep. I'm sure I will completely suck ass my first time. I've only used a shotgun 3 times, although hitting paper seemed easy enough.

Every one I know is in the city/suburbs, so I pretty much have to stick to paid ranges :( once I get some money saved up I was actually thinking about buying some kind of auto loader, not sure what yet. Something with low, low recoil though.

The wife & I don't want any guns at the house, but I could keep it at my dads house if I decide to buy one.

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so the truth comes out....youre an anti because your wife brain washed you....sucker

I'm not anti gun, I'm pro safety, huge difference...

I choose not to bring guns into my home on my own free will, I have heard waaaaay too many horror stories. I however am anti-carry, which doesn't mean I'll never own a handgun, it just means I will never carry in public, obviously besides transporting and taking it to the range/friends house for the smartasses out there :)

I love playing with guns, never once said I didn't, I just don't think every tom, Dick, and sally should be toting around a gun if they don't respect it and don't know how to safely use it. And I PERSONALLY feel Zimmermann did not respect his gun, which is where my whole 'anti gun' personality came from.

Guns can save lifes, guns can take lives, but guns should only be used as a last resort. I do get people carry to protect themselves and their loved ones, but some people (like Zimmerman) go too far. Now if he had real grounds to kill Martin than so be it, but HE HIMSELF put himself in that situation. The whole thing could have been avoided.. People are too ballsey when they carry, if he didn't carry his pussy ass would of just left Martin alone.

Having a gun for some people is like having liquid courage for others. It only takes one person to fuck it up for everyone else and well Zimmermann fucked it up big time in my opinion...

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I'm not anti gun, I'm pro safety, huge difference...

I choose not to bring guns into my home on my own free will, I have heard waaaaay too many horror stories. I however am anti-carry, which doesn't mean I'll never own a handgun, it just means I will never carry in public, obviously besides transporting and taking it to the range/friends house for the smartasses out there :)

I love playing with guns, never once said I didn't, I just don't think every tom, Dick, and sally should be toting around a gun if they don't respect it and don't know how to safely use it. And I PERSONALLY feel Zimmermann did not respect his gun, which is where my whole 'anti gun' personality came from.

Guns can save lifes, guns can take lives, but guns should only be used as a last resort. I do get people carry to protect themselves and their loved ones, but some people (like Zimmerman) go too far. Now if he had real grounds to kill Martin than so be it, but HE HIMSELF put himself in that situation. The whole thing could have been avoided.. People are too ballsey when they carry, if he didn't carry his pussy ass would of just left Martin alone.

Having a gun for some people is like having liquid courage for others. It only takes one person to fuck it up for everyone else and well Zimmermann fucked it up big time in my opinion...

Pencils cause spelling errors too.

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Man card...hand it over now!!!

I don't listen to my wife, hell I bought my bike without telling her after she said no, she found out about it a week later when she went to my dads house :lol:

No silly.....because guns in the house are obviously dangerous.

Guns and kids don't mix, if I didn't have kids I wouldn't think twice about keeping a gun in the house(not for self defense, but for pleasure)

They are. They could accidently discharge while they are in the gun safe and with the trigger lock on and unloaded. Duh :lol:

I wouldn't joke about that... I had a friend die due to a similar situation, but the gun was in a nightstand(locked) and the weapon was loaded and on safe.

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I don't listen to my wife, hell I bought my bike without telling her after she said no, she found out about it a week later when she went to my dads house :lol:

Guns and kids don't mix, if I didn't have kids I wouldn't think twice about keeping a gun in the house(not for self defense, but for pleasure)

I wouldn't joke about that... I had a friend die due to a similar situation, but the gun was in a nightstand(locked) and the weapon was loaded and on safe.

I have a 5 y/o daughter and have trained her and taken her to shoots. She knows about gun safety. No I don't bank on that, I still take proper safety precautions. kids that are not exposed to guns, grow up being curious about them. Then they do stupid stuff. I learned to shoot at a very early age. I never did something stupid with a gun because I wasn't curious and knew what they are capable of.

Sorry for your loss but a loaded gun randomly going off in a drawer, locked and not touched is slim to none. Maybe it was a cheap crappy gun. Maybe a freak of nature. You have more chance of winning the mega millions. By that logic you should never drive again because your car could spontaneously combust.

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I don't listen to my wife, hell I bought my bike without telling her after she said no, she found out about it a week later when she went to my dads house :lol:

Guns and kids don't mix, if I didn't have kids I wouldn't think twice about keeping a gun in the house(not for self defense, but for pleasure)

I wouldn't joke about that... I had a friend die due to a similar situation, but the gun was in a nightstand(locked) and the weapon was loaded and on safe.

Gun owners need to train their kids in safety, show their kids what guns actually do and are capable of, learn about how guns work. My 16 year old son has been shooting some kind of gun since he was probably 8 years old, and he keeps his Glock 19 and a Colt 1911 "unloaded" in his room. There are so many ways to ensure that guns are being safely stored or secured in homes, guns are not the problem gun owners are. When you take the mystery and curiosity away, most kids will plain just get it. They need to see first hand that it aint like Call of Duty or in the movies, guns are not toys. You can bet I have more than 1 loaded and "chambered" pistol within reach in my home, guns are nothing to be feared. The responsibility falls solely on the owner, anything else is just bullshit.

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I'm not that familiar with kids in general...but your son Grant can hardly be used as an example.

He's more like a mature 30 year old than a 16 year old "kid".


Thanks buddy!:)

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I had my first rifle at 7, I still fail to see your point? I don't want guns around my kids, that's my decision, not yours. I don't care how you raise your kids, but I'll raise mine how I see fit.

If your son decides to explode one of these days than your fucked. That is a risk your willing to take, good for you. I see no reason to put a gun within my sons grasp, even if it is locked up.

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I had my first rifle at 7, I still fail to see your point? I don't want guns around my kids, that's my decision, not yours. I don't care how you raise your kids, but I'll raise mine how I see fit.

If your son decides to explode one of these days than your fucked. That is a risk your willing to take, good for you. I see no reason to put a gun within my sons grasp, even if it is locked up.

Wow........you are truly fucked up.:wtf:

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I had my first rifle at 7, I still fail to see your point? I don't want guns around my kids, that's my decision, not yours. I don't care how you raise your kids, but I'll raise mine how I see fit.

If your son decides to explode one of these days than your fucked. That is a risk your willing to take, good for you. I see no reason to put a gun within my sons grasp, even if it is locked up.


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I'm not anti gun, I'm pro safety, huge difference...

I choose not to bring guns into my home on my own free will, I have heard waaaaay too many horror stories. I however am anti-carry, which doesn't mean I'll never own a handgun, it just means I will never carry in public, obviously besides transporting and taking it to the range/friends house for the smartasses out there :)

I love playing with guns, never once said I didn't, I just don't think every tom, Dick, and sally should be toting around a gun if they don't respect it and don't know how to safely use it. And I PERSONALLY feel Zimmermann did not respect his gun, which is where my whole 'anti gun' personality came from.

Guns can save lifes, guns can take lives, but guns should only be used as a last resort. I do get people carry to protect themselves and their loved ones, but some people (like Zimmerman) go too far. Now if he had real grounds to kill Martin than so be it, but HE HIMSELF put himself in that situation. The whole thing could have been avoided.. People are too ballsey when they carry, if he didn't carry his pussy ass would of just left Martin alone.

Having a gun for some people is like having liquid courage for others. It only takes one person to fuck it up for everyone else and well Zimmermann fucked it up big time in my opinion...

This is another one of those those times when you are talking out your ass again. What facts do you have to back up every retarded assumption you just made?

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This is another one of those those times when you are talking out your ass again. What facts do you have to back up every retarded assumption you just made?

He followed the mother fucker... He could of let shit go... Obviously he planned on using his gun, if he didn't he wouldn't of had the balls to stalk the other guy.

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He followed the mother fucker... He could of let shit go... Obviously he planned on using his gun, if he didn't he wouldn't of had the balls to stalk the other guy.

Obviously you weren't there and have no idea. Just because he had a gun you make assumption based on what you think he should be like.

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You made a blanket statement that pertained to all children. That's the point.

That's my opinon and I will live by it. I'm not calling you a bad dad for giving your kid a gun, that's your decision and you are well aware of the risks. Nothing is 100% fail safe, hell my son could get a gun from another kid and go on a shooting rampage...

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Obviously you weren't there and have no idea. Just because he had a gun you make assumption based on what you think he should be like.

I didn't make the assumption that he followed him, I made the assumption that he has no balls, he obviously made that pretty clear in his statement though... Boohoo I cashed a check my ass couldn't handle so I shot the kid in self defense.

Seriously, he doesn't look like a bitch, but that's how he wanted to come across. I'm sure he can fight, but he was getting his ass kicked so.he killed a guy, in a fight he started.

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