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new less restrictive laws passed


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Trust me on this postwhore......you are attempting to argue with the wrong person when discussing firearms and laws, and you think a few worthless links is going to prove something?

But he was in the army! That qualifies him as a expert...... on everything!

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Ex. You were in the army right. Did you have to buy your own weapons? Did you get to pick what you wanted? Why would they teach you to be safe with gunz when you really just kill people?

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Trust me on this postwhore......you are attempting to argue with the wrong person when discussing firearms and laws, and you think a few worthless links is going to prove something?

Ok, I am 100% wrong, taking classes is no good and will not reduce any kind of incidents whatsoever :rolleyes:

The only laws mentioned were in the first post, now what changes were actually made I have no clue. I'm at work so I didn't get a chance to watch the 6:00 news, but I also stated that, so no discussion there.

As far as arguments go there is none, its a proven fact that more training and having common sense reduces accidents. If you want to argue against that then you are just a fool.

If a 4 year old shoots a 2 year old, who is at fault?

If a person shoots themselves in the hand, who is at fault?

If a weapon gets stuck on autofire, whos fault is it?

Obviously the gun owners fault, correct? Let me fill in the blanks on these examples if you don't believe me and how proper training and common sense could have prevented these incidents

If a 4 year old shoots a 2 year old, who is at fault? The gun owners, if he would of had enough sense to put his gun up and out of reach and locked up this wouldn't happen.

If a person shoots themselves in the hand, who is at fault? Hmm... Never ever, ever, ever pull the trigger, unless you are pointing at a target or you are 100% sure it is clear(check yourself, don't trust anyone to have already done this) Use muzzle awareness, never point a weapon at something you don't intend on shooting.

If a weapon gets stuck on autofire, whos fault is it? The owners of course. This was probably caused by a dirty weapon or heating up the barrel(no cool down period)

I know these examples may seem silly, but these are real incidents, all of which are way too common. These could have been prevented with PROPER training.

Also, everyone tells me to take the MSF and wear all my gear all the time, I wonder why that is? Same rule applies to guns... Ear plugs, safety glasses, and proper training is the key. :) I don't wear plugs or wear safety glasses though, shame on me :( but, I do follow all the other rules when handling a firearm.

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If a 4 year old shoots a 2 year old, who is at fault?

If a person shoots themselves in the hand, who is at fault?

If a weapon gets stuck on autofire, whos fault is it?

Autofire? you do realize most guns that we carry are semiauto or revolvers! I don't think most of us own a glock 18.

The 4 year shooting a 2 year old incident is not covered in the CHL class dumbass! Common sense should cover that, although I highly doubt you have a clue what common sense is.

Do I need a class to tell me not to point the firearm at my hand and pull the trigger? How did the cowboy's not end up shooting themselves in the hand especially since they had single action wheel guns.

Can we take up a poll on whether or not exarch should be banned from the firearms section because all he gives is bad info and stupidity.

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Ex. You were in the army right. Did you have to buy your own weapons? Nope, everything is issued, although some people do buy their own mods. If you want a knife though you have to buy it yourself if you are not issued one, but you cannot use your personal gun.

Did you get to pick what you wanted? Yes and no, all enlisted soldiers are provided with a standard M16/M4, but you have the option to qualify to carry/use other weapon.s. I was trained and qualified on all of the weapons available to my company and then some though. I was even qualified to train other personal on certain weapons and that is something I did not take lightly. If I didn't teach someone every thing I knew about said weapon then I would have felt I failed and put someone at risk.

Why would they teach you to be safe with gunz when you really just kill people? There is more to the military than just 'killing people' in fact, our main objective is actually the opposite(although some MOS's are just meant to kill, but this isn't the movies and I will not get into that)

If they didn't teach safety in the military I'm sure our defense would fall to pieces, there are too many gungho people that haven't got a clue. If you ever decide to enlist I'm sure you will hear all the horror stories. :)

read the bold :)

If anyone in the military cares to back me up or shoot me down go for it, but for the civilians out there, don't believe every thing you hear :)

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Accidental rapid fire, you know what I meant :) I'm sure you have seen a gun run wild a time or 2 :D although, sometimes it's fun to melt a barrel :lol:

I have seen 1 1911 that a gunsmith messed up and would empty the mag on it's own, none of my firearms have ever went full auto!

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Exarch is (imho) welcome here at ORdN until he commits a ban-able offense.

All 2A supporters should support his 1A rights, whether you agree with his viewpoint or not, or even if you think he's a stark raving lunatic who doesn't know sh1t from shinola.

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Exarch is (imho) welcome here at ORdN until he commits a ban-able offense.

All 2A supporters should support his 1A rights, whether you agree with his viewpoint or not, or even if you think he's a stark raving lunatic who doesn't know sh1t from shinola.

You forgot all the .......................'s

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Exarch is (imho) welcome here at ORdN until he commits a ban-able offense.

All 2A supporters should support his 1A rights, whether you agree with his viewpoint or not, or even if you think he's a stark raving lunatic who doesn't know sh1t from shinola.

I was being funny! I just ignore most of his BS honestly.

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We are talking about one of the 10 amendments listed in the bill of rights. The ten freedoms that our founding fathers felt strongly enough to describe specific protections against government infringement. To require a government-sanctioned training before one can exercise a right is absolutely the antithesis of those first 10 amendments. So there be blood in the streets.... babies capping babies.... full-auto snubbies.... they can take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!

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We are talking about one of the 10 amendments listed in the bill of rights. The ten freedoms that our founding fathers felt strongly enough to describe specific protections against government infringement. To require a government-sanctioned training before one can exercise a right is absolutely the antithesis of those first 10 amendments. So there be blood in the streets.... babies capping babies.... full-auto snubbies.... they can take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!

Lol@ full auto snubbies

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Autofire? you do realize most guns that we carry are semiauto or revolvers! I don't think most of us own a glock 18.

The 4 year shooting a 2 year old incident is not covered in the CHL class dumbass! Common sense should cover that, although I highly doubt you have a clue what common sense is.

Do I need a class to tell me not to point the firearm at my hand and pull the trigger? How did the cowboy's not end up shooting themselves in the hand especially since they had single action wheel guns.

Can we take up a poll on whether or not exarch should be banned from the firearms section because all he gives is bad info and stupidity.

I did mention common sense, which some people do not have.

I guess I shouldn't of used the word 'autofire' you obviously have no common sense yourself if you didn't know what I meant.

People shoot themselves all the time on accident...

I don't see any bad info here, I speak the truth, safety and proper training is a huge issue.


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