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Bike Problems, Any Thoughts?


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Last night I finally got a new battery, gave the bike a quick cleaning and was off to Wings & Rings. I ride at total of about 15 miles on the highway when I noticed my speedometer blinking at me. Then every thing that can blink at me started doing the same thing. The check engine light, oil light and even the rpm needle is jumping up and down like the bike is dying.

I didn't notice any lose of actual power, I was still running at about 70 mph, until I pull off at the next exit to see what was going on. As soon as I pull over to the berm and got down under 5 mph the whole thing died. I'm really nervous now because I know how much it cost to get a bike towed but less than a minute later the bike fires up again.

I head for home right away and the dash never started blinking again but I wasn't riding as hard either. I let the bike sit overnight and fire it up first thing this morning no problem.

Anyone have any idea why the dash would blink like it was dying and/or why the bike would die once I slowed down?

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R/R is going

My VFR did the same thing when it fried. My dash lit up like a christmas tree for a minute then went completely dark and was fine the rest of the night. Next day did 50 miles and same thing happened excpet this time the whole bike died about 2 mins later

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