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Doubt: Group ride - Cop scenario


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Speed alone does not constitute Reckless Opp. and is not an arrestable offense in the state of Ohio. Now, if you speed, fail to use your turn signal, and pass on a double yellow line, now you have Reckless Opp.

Yeah, we might have been doing those things too :o Ahhh..to be young and stupid again. I think I was 22 at the time.

We have no clue where he saw us but all I know is my buddy said we were doing ~110 and he looked in his mirror and the cop was so damn close to his bike, he couldn't see his bumper. He may have been chasing us for a bit. I had no clue he had been pulled over...at some point I checked my mirror and he was just gone. We backtracked (fearing the worst) and way up the road I could see him on the side of the road with the cruiser sitting behind him, flashing lights and all. We quickly ducked down a side street and waited to see what happened. After the cop left we flagged our buddy down and that's when he gave us the news :mad: I never did go out and ride crazy like that again though.

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Bad idea. Had it happen once where I was in a group and a guy was pulled over in Georgetown OH. We were exceeding the speed limits by quite a bit. Basically the cop told the guy, give me the names of your buddies or I'm hauling you to jail. He spilled it and when we caught back up to him, he said the cop instructed us to call the dispatch and have him come out an give us each (there were 4 of us) tickets or they would issue warrants for us. The cool thing is he only gave us tickets for improper lane change where he could have nailed us for MUCH more.

You can't issue a warrant for people on here say. Shit I woulda told him their names were Casey Stoner Tommy Hayden Jack Hoff and Ben Spies. Or just remain silent. Then when he hauls you in on bs charges tell the judge how he was threatening you to get a warrant for your arrest to get you to tell him information.

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I had a Kent officer pull that "tell me your buddy's name" bullshit. I stonewalled and ended up with a speeding ticket. No real complaints' date=' as it was warranted, but fuck a cop that wants me to snitch on a rider for them. You want him? You go get him.[/quote']

my sentiments...

had a cop pull up while me and a group i was leading was stopped off the side of the road discussing plans to go forward. he asked us what we were doing pretty cordially, when we explained that we were just regaining our bearings and deciding how to proceed for some reason his tone changed sharply. he said "You guys better slow it down around here! I heard your bikes winding out and I know you were speeding..." I said "excuse me?"

he continued on with his grumpy tone regarding "you hooligan kids and your cratch rackets"

I told him to have a nice day, and we all left to continue our ride.

as if he could determine our speed based on engine noise...:rolleyes: it has 6 gears sir, and a clutch...

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my sentiments...

had a cop pull up while me and a group i was leading was stopped off the side of the road discussing plans to go forward. he asked us what we were doing pretty cordially, when we explained that we were just regaining our bearings and deciding how to proceed for some reason his tone changed sharply. he said "You guys better slow it down around here! I heard your bikes winding out and I know you were speeding..." I said "excuse me?"

he continued on with his grumpy tone regarding "you hooligan kids and your cratch rackets"

I told him to have a nice day, and we all left to continue our ride.

as if he could determine our speed based on engine noise...:rolleyes: it has 6 gears sir, and a clutch...

All though most sportbikes can break most speed limits in 1st gear.

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Speed alone does not constitute Reckless Opp.

Not entirely true unless it's been changed in the last seven years. I was pulled over in a car for around 135-ish in a 25mph zone, the judge tacked on reckless operations to the ticket as it was suggested in the officer's notes.

So I had heard rumor back then that in Ohio 35 mph over -or- double the limit was 'reckless operations' although all speeding is considered reckless in Ohio ...

Don't know how much of that is true but I had Reckless Op, that the judge added, sit on my record for the entire length of that speeding ticket. --- I was younger and dumber and didn't try to fight the ticket either.

EDIT: Actually if I really think back (and I know how fallable memory is) Judge Kelly in Muskingum county, also told me that he could put me in jail for 90 days over this when they read off the max sentence.

Edited by TMCGRAW
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