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.... an idea at 3am... "tour de ohio"....


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... would be cool to start in akron and ride south, spend a night down in SE ohio somewhere then ride west to cincinatti then maybe spend a night there, then ride back up via columbus.....

.... sorry northwesters... I don't know if there are any good roads to ride up that way.....

any ideas? any one be willing to do this? just wonderin'... I figure realistically this could be done in two days instead of three, but who know......

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Why not do it in one day and earn a iron butt butt burner? LOL I have done over 875 miles in a day on the triple. think I could do 1000 in 24 hrs.

I don't think I have the stamina for that. that's why I wouldn't mind holelin' up in a motel for a night or two. I would wanna make some cool historical and food stops along the way....

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If I had the time I would love to do this. But one day a week off of work has killed my riding this year. Now my work is saying we are gonna start up sunday midnight and work till saturday midnight!! I have thought about just selling my bike and keeping the dual sport to commute on.

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would love to do this, but finding the days off is the hard part. One day off i get i prefer going out and putting on 300 plus mile which seems to be my limit for enjoyable ride it seems.

definitely will keep an eye on this. may be the easy way is to plan it for just two days. early morning start ride till dawn.. break in a hotel ..chill out.. start riding the next day early morning... finish at dawn. Those who cant do two day trips can join the single day ride in between.

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