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Is it too early.....?


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He ran 1:07-1:08's last time he was there. He needs to stop riding in intermediate and move up for sure.

:wtf: That crooked cocked SoB is only running I!!!

And here I thought Rob was a pussy for doing 18 novice track days before moving up.


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i was a bit nervous moving up to advanced but it is so much better. less traffic and more predictable and faster riders. you wont get any faster riding with slower riders. when i was in intermediate i had a hard time getting more than 1 or 2 fast laps without being slowed down. in advanced, you dont have to worry about it. you get to do the entire session as full pace. trust me, as a fellow that was in your same shoes at the beginning of this season, you will love it in advanced

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A is way safer. Yes people will pass closer but they will be gone before you know it. You don't have to worry about rearending someone going into a corner when the toss out the anchor. You also don't get the HP junkie on the 1K blasting down the straight to do 10 in the next corner.

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Don't let madcat know that, he will try to get you in his trailer. :eek:

You mean another newbie I can get to swing to the dark side? Oh hell yes, this is going to be like a party in my pants/trailer all weekend!

All you better be packing the KY Jelly, industrial size.

And on a serious note, yes, Adv. is way safer than Int. Int. is scary because you get people way too slow, or that just suck in general and are dangerous, unpredictable, etc.

I know Friday at Nelson a couple sessions ago, I got run off the track going into 4 after showing a wheel on the outside, dude was totally off any race line, and I had passed about 20 people there, then dude just keeps coming and basically blocks me and runs me right into the old track. Needless to say I was pissed, then the next day, he was running Novice!!!!

I moved up to Adv. that saturday after running 1 Int. but it was too busy and I just wanted to work on passing a few guys.

I'm signing up for Adv. tomorrow and mini 20.

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Shooting for 4's, who's with me.

This will be my goal for the weekend as well. Scary thought for me...if race tires cut the same 3 seconds off at beaver as it did at nelsons, that would mean 3's?! Still just hoping for a 4, even a 5 would make me happy.

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...watching liter bikes run away down the straights.

Sucks doesn't it? :D

It's also a good opportunity to practice passing. And I don't just mean blowing by some schmuck running 5 seconds slower. I mean having the patience to stay a little behind that litre bike on the back straight into turn 9 so that you don't have to slam on your brakes when he drops anchor. Then use your faster corner speed to catch and pass him on the drive out.

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I've setup Hutch going into 10 last season. :D By the time I follow for a lap or two to try to figure out what unpredictable line they're probably going to take I just settle in and don't bother. Instead I work on something I need to like a certain section or body work, etc.

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